It's all about ME

Aug 03, 2010 07:18

An update! Because I don't update all that much unless it's a patented Comic Complaint. (not actually patented)

So, what've I been up to? This summer I spent a lot (a lot!) of time working on my capstone project in hopes of achieving an associates degree, and as a result I created a little platforming game which you can see here. It was a LOT of work and I'm not satisfied with more than half of it, which is why I haven't been spreading an installer link everywhere. If you're truly curious I do have it uploaded somewhere. I don't have my grades back but I had full marks on everything but the final grade guaranteed so I can't imagine I DIDN'T pass, but it's weird to really not know anything when I am pretty sure I did good. I'm used to ignoring the possibilities of my grades when I'm sure I did badly though. [Update! Ahhh, they posted my grade, I got an A! Yesssss. Now to hope they didn't lie to me when they said I'd get an associates for it.]

The above has taken a lot of time out of my usual RP/anything else time, and for that I've likely been scarce since June! Hopefully that'll change for at least this month. I'm looking to enroll at UCO (University of Central Oklahoma) again for the fall semester and get back to work on my bachelor's degree, but I have a sinking suspicion that I won't actually be able to... afford it. I only have around 1k in the bank and I really don't think that'll cover books and tuition. Don't want to take out another loan either since I still owe a little less than 3k. Which reminds me I still haven't finished my FAFSA.... damn. I guess after years of doing it I don't expect any non-loan aid. I'd rather just not attend for a semester and work instead of taking out a loan. I should probably call them today to see if they've received my transcript.

Those of you may know that I'm a big video game fan, so of course I picked up Starcraft 2. So far I've enjoyed it thoroughly and it makes me wonder if I should pick up some of the novels set in universe. It's not amazing writing or anything like that, I've just always wanted to know more and SC2 shows that there is a lot more depth in the universe than what I saw in the first game. I had also planned to start FFXI back up this month but I'll probably wait until I finish up SC2's campaign, which can't be that much longer (last I checked there was less than 30 missions and I'd done 9 at least).


I hope to get back to Brutal Legend sometime soon, actually. And NSMBWii while I'm at it.

I hope to catch up a bit in my watching of anime too this month, as I've fallen dreadfully behing in Durarara! and HEROMAN, and want to finish Gintama and icon more One Piece. I'm enjoying the characters I have at CFUD and Sabra la Tau but I feel the need to app again (in both places) but haven't found a character that I don't lose interest in after a day or two. Just one of those depressive moods I'm going through, I'm guessing caused by the anxiety and stress of the aforementioned project. I'll manage!

I really want to get a better paying job. As easy as my job is (and it is SO EASY) the hours are starting to become more curse than blessing. I can tell the graveyard shift is really taking its toll on me and it's becoming harder and harder to want to do my job. This is highly influenced by the fact that my boss is an idiot on a jerk, and I probably would've quit if I interacted with him more often than maybe once a month. I just get tired of never being told about new things and finding out from trainees that something is different. Leave me a note or something, thanks. :|

I've recently caught up with Homestuck, which is an excellent 'webcomic' in the same format as RubyQuest if you're familiar, though the site (MS Paint Adventures) predates it and I'm not sure if he actually takes suggestions anymore in favor of just telling a story within the style. It is excellent and I enjoy the current arc. I should go read the rest of Problem Sleuth while I'm at it.

Well I think that's a good run through of current events and mindsets, I'm going to go check the pool here in an hour or so and get some early morning swimming in. I want some sunshine, I've been a night owl for months other than the occasional swim. I think I'll look up Alton Brown's recipe for an Orange Julius first and see if I have the stuff for it. It's strange wanting to have something you've never had before.
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