It's not at all that time of year again yet but...

Nov 25, 2008 20:40

...since my Mum decided to get in early with her end-of-year survey thing, I guess I'll do mine too or I'll be thinking about it for the next um, 36 days. Also, the way I update my LJ these days, it'll probably be the last time I log in this year.

01. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Got myself overseas under my own steam. Visited Scandinavia, North America and my Austrian family. Got an office job. Completed the entire set of The Sims 2 games. (Yes, I know, lame X 1337) Stayed out all night on the streets of Manhattan (Mum pointed out that I didn't "sleep" which is what I wrote the first time). Saw original manuscripts for Velvet Underground songs.

02. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Last year's were: just more of the same. Write lots and see the world.

Sure did.

For next year:

Get back to New York
See at least one more state of the US (probably by default since with the way our dollar's going all I'll be able to afford for accommodation will be in New Jersey>
Complete one novel, one spec script, and a halfway decent blog

03. Did someone close to you give birth?
Certainly not that I know of...

04. Did anyone close to you die?
One of my friends from high school was murdered over new year's - we were never really close but it was quite shocking nonetheless.

05. What countries did you visit?
Ha ha um...

Oh, and I guess Singapore and Malaysia

06. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
You know... there's not a whole lot. A working holiday visa to the US (please don't be taking away that program, K-Rudd and Obama) Closeness with my prodigal siblings.

07. What date(s) from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 5th, SNL with Christopher Walken. November 5th, when the light at the end of the eight-year-long tunnel finally appeared. Ha ha i'd like to say sorry day but the actual exact date fails me.

08. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
All three of the trips I took. But mainly the international one. I sound like a broken record.

09. What was your biggest failure(s)?
I honestly don't think I had any, because every decision I've made has got me closer to the point I'm at now. That's what I said last year, and I'm sticking by it. I'm actually really happy with everything I did this year.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
A mysterious phantom ovarian cyst

11. What was the best thing you bought?
A return ticket from Duesseldorf to New York, Two nights' accommodation at the Novotel St Kilda, a book about crochet, and chocolate fudge pop tarts.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Last year: I don't know... the Australian public's for voting in the right guy.
This year - the American public's, for voting in the right guy :) Also this guy who emerged in my facebook the other day saying he was organising the launch of GASS WA - that's the association that organised my german exchange trip in high school but up until now has only existed in NSW and Victoria - I and the few other WA people who have got scholarships have been privately funded and very isolated. And Facebook for bringing us together!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Fundamentalist Christians. Organised religions in general. The West Australian voting public. My siblings.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Last year: Eurotrip08, DVDs.
This year: Eurotrip 08, Interstate trips, Next year's international and interstate trips... and DVDS. No, not really. Actually I spent about $200 in one sitting on comedy books from Amazon. Probably books.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing SNL

16. What song will always remind you of 2008?

"I'm not Crying" "Bret you've got it Going On" and various other FOTC songs. "Four Seasons in One Day"

17. Compared to this time last year, are you
i. happier or sadder?
Happier. But I think I was pretty happy then too.

ii. thinner or fatter?
Well according to the scales only 2kg thinner, but I need a belt cos all my pants keep falling down.

iii. richer or poorer?
Poorer, cos this time last year I was all cashed up in anticipation of the trip. I'm getting back to that though.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Saving money...

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Can't think of anything. Oh, being unemployed. But I got there in the end.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
heyewe had a deal with my sister that if she went to school every day for like the last five weeks of term we would do christmas. and then yesterday she didn't so yaaaaay no fucking christmas.

21. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Head over heels with a beautiful city

23. How many one-night stands?
none, more's the shame.

24. What was your favorite TV program?
The Office. SNL for that brief period with both Bobby Moynihan and Amy Poehler. And I think I have watched my Arrested Development DVDs so much that they are going to spontaneously combust. And a late contender, GREEK is fucking awesome but soooo slow to illegally download.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

26. What was the best book you read?
I am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe. And I fucking left it in Cologne because it was big and heavy like a brick. I'll need to re-buy that book.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Vampire Weekend and - a little late to the party - John Mellencamp, ha ha.

28. What did you want and get?
Ticket to an SNL show. Front row seat at ASSSSCAT. A few days in Brisbane with the lovely magneticwords and the awesome Andy Warhol exhibition. A birthday in St Kilda. Nikes, Adidas AND Onitsuka Tigers (I am a shoe whore)

29. What did you want and not get?
Nothing. I'm totally content.

30. Favorite film of this year?
Baby Mama of course.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 22 and I spent the day in St Kilda and Melbourne with my lovely Mum.

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
2008 could not have been any more satisfying. Oh, except that my siblings could stop acting like petulant teenagers... oh wait.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
I'm not that shallow. Still

34. What kept you sane?
Frequent plane and train travel.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Obama, Jack McBrayer, Tina Fey in that sexy Sarah Palin outfit. And Amy Poehler is even hotter in person.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Last year:Gay marriage. And I'm still not happy with K-Rudd's approach to that particular issue but, baby steps. And I almost burst out in tears when I read he was going to say sorry.

This year: Yeah, I'm pretty pissed off about prop 8.
Otherwise -
The apology... yeah that was a pretty big one.

37. Who do you miss?
Josh, Sharon, and my friends and family that I met overseas.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
So many! Fifi, Moniquea, Steve and Andrew.

Um... NOT poodlemama :( Next year, perhaps???

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
"Square up faster Elise"

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

"Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo... I do believe it, I do believe it's true."
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