Volume 67, Issue 11

Aug 15, 2011 22:02

- labingi posted X-Men: First Class Meta: A Response to Nussbaum's Critique "The X-Men, Evolution, and Non-Allegorical Interpretation".
seekingferret posted About a Menorah.

- forgerness drew Portrait of Mystique. (Rated G)
- shizuke drew Lensherrbot. (Rated PG)
- crow821 drew How cute, he's drooling. . (Rated PG, Erik/Charles Friendship)
- philnoto drew X-23. (Rated G)
- philnoto drew From the Hank Pym Photo Archives- Tony Stark’s Hamptons Hideaway. (Rated G)

- kansan_entrails drew Pipster. (Rated PG)
- poofee drew Jason Todd. (Rated PG)

- vikingprincess wrote "The Reeducation of Remy LeBeau 233 - Tempus Fugitives, 9/? ". (Rated Teen, Rogue/Gambit, Bishop, Forge, Shadowcat, and ensemble)
- echo_fangirl wrote "The Curious Genetics of Brotherhood". (Rated G, Charles, Hank)
- cathat77 wrote "Once My Dreams Sang". (Rated PG-13, mentioned Charles/Erik, Charles, Erik, Raven, Moira)
- beccaboreanaz wrote "When it Rains". (Rated FRAO-Adult/Explicit, Logan/Remy)
- papercutperfect wrote "Mind on the Money, Eyes on the Wall [Chapter 2]". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
- pippin1983 wrote "In The Gaps, In-between Words (part 2/?)". (Rated PG, Charles / Erik)
- ani_bester wrote "Just a Day". (Rated G, Steve/Bucky)
- nike_ravus wrote "Danny Zuko Timestamp: La Jeunesse Triomphante (After Ten Years After)". (Rated NC-17, Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss, X-Men/Criminal Minds x-over)
- hardlyabird wrote "This is Where We Find Our Peace". (Rated G, Erik, Steve Rogers, Edie and Jakob Lehnsherr, Azazel)
- nightwalker wrote "The Engagement, Part Two: Something to Talk About". (Rated PG, Steve/Tony)
- felonytexas wrote "Set Fire to the Rain". (Rated PG-13 TO Rish, Charles/Erik)
- silver_sandals wrote "Lengths of Wire and Pieces of String". (Rated R, fem!telepathic!Erik/fem!magnetic!Charles. Double AU!)
- sexyspork wrote "...oft interred with their bones". (Rated R, Coulson/Hawkeye, Thor/Loki, implied Tony/Steve, implied Natasha/Pepper)
- skull_bearer wrote "Wars or Hands of Time". (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
- perletwo wrote "Red All Over". (Rated NC-17, Coulson/Hawkeye)
- aisle_one wrote "Lolita Seduces Herself". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Wesley (XMFC/Wanted crossover))
- perletwo wrote "Green Tea". (Rated PG, Bruce Banner, Darcy Lewis friendship)
- chicklvsequity wrote "His Affinity for Mild Drinks". (Rated T, Loki/Thor, Sif)
- curia_regis wrote "The Road to Asgard". (Rated G, Jane Foster)
- cxellover wrote "The Professor and the Captain". (Rated PG, Charles and a certain Captain from Doctor Who and Torchwood)
- bulletthestars wrote "i will not go quietly into the night". (Rated R, steve rogers/ james buchanan "bucky" barnes)
- apolesen wrote "Love". (Rated PG, Charles/Erik, mentions of one-sided Moira/Charles and Hank/Raven.)
- manicr wrote "Unfair". (Rated PG13, Deadpool, Irene, Cable, Bullseye)
- silverducks wrote "The Wrong Prince, Chapter 5". (Rated Teenage, Loki/Sif)
- starrose17 wrote "We Met At The Park (chapter 4/?)". (Rated NC-17, Erik/Charles)
- marshmallowslum wrote "The Distance of Utopia- Prologue". (Rated R, Charles/Erik )
- pragmatic_chimp wrote "Just Like Him". (Not Rated, Erik/Charles, Mystique)
- black_betty_26 wrote "How to Disappear Completely". (Rated R, Erik/Charles)

- runespoor7 wrote "I can see the summer is ending". (Rated PG, Rose, Kiran (discussion of Rose/Cassie))
- saavikam77 wrote "Certainty". (Rated NC-17, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne)
- bradygirl_12 wrote "Jewels In The Crown III: Fragments (4/5)". (Rated PG-13, Steve/Diana, Jamie O’Reilly, Ann Lee, Caroline Alcott, Lee McCain)
- saavikam77 wrote "Catalyst". (Rated NC-17, Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent/Tony Stark (w/past Bruce/Tony and future Bruce/Clark) Batman Nolanverse/Iron Man/Superman Returns)
- changingleads wrote "Get What You Need - 8/10". (Rated PG, Bruce/Dick, Slade/Dick, Slade/Jason/Dick, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth)
- saavikam77 wrote "Alternative". (Rated PG-13, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne)
- saavikam77 wrote "Ache". (Rated R, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne)

- madwriter223 wrote "The Video Tape". (Rated R, The Comedian/Rorschach (non-con), Dan/Rorschach)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- norwegianwood23 wrote "Softness". (Rated PG, Charles/Erik)
- rubynye wrote "Wouldn't, Would". (Rated R, Azazel/Mystique)
- thistlerose wrote "Just Out of Reach". (Rated G, Moira McTaggert)

- misaki_kaito wrote "Manor". (Rated G, Bruce/Clark, vaguely)
- kuyeng_thl wrote "Awful Child". (Rated PG-13, Tim Drake)
- saavikam77 wrote "lOne of Us". (Rated PG, Clark Kent/Jimmy Olsen/Lois Lane)

- madwriter223 wrote "Restricting Clothing". (Rated PG, Watchmen)

Fanvids and Fanmixes
- butterfly posted "Eric's Song". (X-Men; Charles/Erik fanvid)

- ravenfirstclass has August Raven Fanart/Icon Prompts.

- finest_finders is a new comm dedicated to finding Batman and Superman fictions.

- judi42 posted Somewhere between rage and serenity (Mini comic X-Men First Class).
- judi42 posted Icons Ultimate Comics Spider-Man.
- girltype posted 93 Wanda and Pietro icons..
- homette posted Batwoman: Elegy icons.

- xombidirge posted Last Supper of Gotham by Phillip Sevy.
- timetravelandrocketpoweredapes posted Wolverine by Muller Pereira, Red Sonja by David Bullock, X-23 Marker Sketch by Luke Smarto, Cloak and Dagger by beanclam and Women of Justice by Kazeki.
- torisora posted Under the Red Hood by ~Kazeki.
- dcwomenkickingass posted Villainous Profiles by Memorypalace.
- timetravellingwaitress posted Storm by protokitty.

- scribble_myname posted Two Raven Fanart Recs.

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Please leave a comment on this post with anything you'd like us to check out. To contact us regarding general comicstore_news questions or concerns or with information, please email comicstorenews@gmail.com.
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