watchdom posted
More variant cover art + Storylines for Before Watchmen.
ontd_marvel posted
Marvel Moolah: Robert Downey Jr. 'Avengers' Pay Set to Hit $50 Million.
ontd_marvel posted
Kevin Feige Talks Avengers Sequels And Other Marvel Projects.
new_justice posted
Episode Discussion - "Salvage".
eumelia posted
Avengers: Movie Review.
bea_recs posted
13 Recs: Thor/Loki, Tony/Loki, Tony/Steve.
mae_stark posted
a question about The Avengers and Tony's arc reactor.
dragonbat2006 posted
a Catwoman question.
grey_bard posted
A Guide to The Avengers comic 1990-Civil War.
mithen posted
Weekly Discussion Meme: Week 11 - Characters you wish you knew more about.
pinkelephant42 drew
"Protective" (Rated R, Steve/Bruce)
xsilverdreamsx drew
"The Mirror's Edge" (Rated G, Young Avengers)
novemberlite drew
"Melt". (Rated PG-13, Thor/Loki)
eiluned wrote
7 Clint/Natasha fics. (Rated G-NC-17, Clint/Natasha)
xenokattz wrote
"Dilated Eyes Shooting the Breeze". (Rated M, Clint/Darcy Lewis)
kiev4am wrote
"Smart Money". (Rated PG-13, Rictor/Shatterstar)
bellax_xmuerte wrote
"Paperweights & Purple Pens". (Rated PG-13, Bruce/Clint, Steve/Tony)
welfycat wrote
"Captain America vs The Edraculator". (Rated R, TonyStark, Steve Rogers)
manicr wrote
"Along the Lines of Virtue: Trust". (Rated PG, Laura, Daken)
equal_to_k wrote
"Look in the Mirror, and What Do You See?" Part 3. (Rated G, Loki, ensemble)
startrekwriter wrote
"Blue Chapter" Part 11. (Rated PG-13, Darcy/loki)
liliann17 wrote
"Five times Darcy meets The Hulk and the one time She meets Bruce". (Rated PG, Darcy Lewis)
stranger wrote
"In which Deadpool is recruited by Hawkeye for S.H.I.E.L.D.". (Rated PG, Hawkeye, Deadpool)
raychelnina wrote
"in our bedroom after the war". (Rated R, Pepper/Natasha)
kromelitefxturs wrote
"Mini Avengers" Part 1. (Rated G, De-Aged Avengers)
reefofhappiness wrote
"The Mirror's Edge". (Rated T, Young Avengers)
enkanowen wrote
"What You Are to Me (You Are)". (Rated NC-17, Bruce/Tony, Pepper)
epistolic wrote
"Zhashtar". (Rated M, Thor/Loki)
toggledog wrote
"Patience Required" Part 7. (Rated NC-17, Loki/Thor)
me_ya_ri wrote
"Blind". (Rated PG, Slade/Tim)
dracoqueen22 wrote
"Same Old Story". (Rated M, Batman/Superman)
gypsydancergirl wrote
"Green Knight 'Verse" Parts 1 and 2. (Rated T, Damian, Dick)
Drabbles and Ficlets
mae_stark wrote
"Dysania". (Rated PG, Tony/Pepper)
equal_to_k wrote
"Push". (Rated G, Loki, Fury, ensemble)
shar_bernadotte wrote
"Memos from Magneto to Riptide and Azazel". (Rated G, Magneto, ensemble)
lucdarling wrote
"Now Comes the Night". (Rated PG-13, Clint, Natasha, Bucky)
rumcity wrote
"Mercury". (Rated PG, Charles/Erik)
Fan Media
turquoisetumult posted
"Blue Veins". (Loki fanvid)
intomorning posted
All These Things That I've Done. (Avengers fanmix)
londongirl27 posted
Darcy/Loki gif set.
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