Volume 76, Issue 15

May 19, 2012 11:44

- watchdom posted More variant cover art + Storylines for Before Watchmen.
- ontd_marvel posted Marvel Moolah: Robert Downey Jr. 'Avengers' Pay Set to Hit $50 Million.
- ontd_marvel posted Kevin Feige Talks Avengers Sequels And Other Marvel Projects.

- new_justice posted Episode Discussion - "Salvage".
- eumelia posted Avengers: Movie Review.
- bea_recs posted 13 Recs: Thor/Loki, Tony/Loki, Tony/Steve.
- mae_stark posted a question about The Avengers and Tony's arc reactor.
- dragonbat2006 posted a Catwoman question.
- grey_bard posted A Guide to The Avengers comic 1990-Civil War.
- mithen posted Weekly Discussion Meme: Week 11 - Characters you wish you knew more about.

- pinkelephant42 drew "Protective" (Rated R, Steve/Bruce)
- xsilverdreamsx drew "The Mirror's Edge" (Rated G, Young Avengers)
- novemberlite drew "Melt". (Rated PG-13, Thor/Loki)

- eiluned wrote 7 Clint/Natasha fics. (Rated G-NC-17, Clint/Natasha)
- xenokattz wrote "Dilated Eyes Shooting the Breeze". (Rated M, Clint/Darcy Lewis)
- kiev4am wrote "Smart Money". (Rated PG-13, Rictor/Shatterstar)
- bellax_xmuerte wrote "Paperweights & Purple Pens". (Rated PG-13, Bruce/Clint, Steve/Tony)
- welfycat wrote "Captain America vs The Edraculator". (Rated R, TonyStark, Steve Rogers)
- manicr wrote "Along the Lines of Virtue: Trust". (Rated PG, Laura, Daken)
- equal_to_k wrote "Look in the Mirror, and What Do You See?" Part 3. (Rated G, Loki, ensemble)
- startrekwriter wrote "Blue Chapter" Part 11. (Rated PG-13, Darcy/loki)
- liliann17 wrote "Five times Darcy meets The Hulk and the one time She meets Bruce". (Rated PG, Darcy Lewis)
- stranger wrote "In which Deadpool is recruited by Hawkeye for S.H.I.E.L.D.". (Rated PG, Hawkeye, Deadpool)
- raychelnina wrote "in our bedroom after the war". (Rated R, Pepper/Natasha)
- kromelitefxturs wrote "Mini Avengers" Part 1. (Rated G, De-Aged Avengers)
- reefofhappiness wrote "The Mirror's Edge". (Rated T, Young Avengers)
- enkanowen wrote "What You Are to Me (You Are)". (Rated NC-17, Bruce/Tony, Pepper)
- epistolic wrote "Zhashtar". (Rated M, Thor/Loki)
- toggledog wrote "Patience Required" Part 7. (Rated NC-17, Loki/Thor)

- me_ya_ri wrote "Blind". (Rated PG, Slade/Tim)
- dracoqueen22 wrote "Same Old Story". (Rated M, Batman/Superman)
- gypsydancergirl wrote "Green Knight 'Verse" Parts 1 and 2. (Rated T, Damian, Dick)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- mae_stark wrote "Dysania". (Rated PG, Tony/Pepper)
- equal_to_k wrote "Push". (Rated G, Loki, Fury, ensemble)
- shar_bernadotte wrote "Memos from Magneto to Riptide and Azazel". (Rated G, Magneto, ensemble)
- lucdarling wrote "Now Comes the Night". (Rated PG-13, Clint, Natasha, Bucky)
- rumcity wrote "Mercury". (Rated PG, Charles/Erik)

Fan Media
- turquoisetumult posted "Blue Veins". (Loki fanvid)
- intomorning posted All These Things That I've Done. (Avengers fanmix)

- londongirl27 posted Darcy/Loki gif set.

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