Volume 110, Issue 11

May 27, 2015 18:49

- dj_rocca drew assorted art of Lisa and Len Snart and Cisco Ramon.

zyx wrote "Master Post: the SHIELD Codices". (Rated PG-13, Loki, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Skye, Triplett)
- navaan wrote "back when the end began, we stood together for the last time". (Rated NC-17, Steve/Tony)
- sineala wrote "Breaker of Horses", a Reverse Big Bang to art by karadin. (Rated Teen, Steve/Tony)
- teyke wrote "The Blade's Edge", a Reverse Big Bang to art by Isariel. (Art rated General, fic rated Explicit, Steve/Tony/Rumiko)
- eustacia_vye28 wrote "How You Live and Breathe" Part 1/3. (Rated NC-17, Loki/Natasha, Natasha/Bucky)
- geckoholic wrote "Stop The World So We Can Spin". (Rated NC-17, Clint/Kate)
- geckoholic wrote "The Opposite of Falling". (Rated NC-17, Clint/Natasha)
- azewewish wrote "I Love the Sound (When You Come Undone)". (Rated NC-17, Natasha/Steve)
- yohkobennington wrote "What If You're What I Need", a Reverse Bang to art by sorellaerba. (Rated NC-17, Steve/Tony)
- miss_porcupine wrote "The Velveteen Spider". (Rated PG-13, Clint, Natasha and ensemble)
- sweetwatersong wrote "an apple on monday". (Rated G, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Betty Ross, Sif, Tony Stark, Thor, Sam Wilson)
- yohkobennington wrote "Let's Set Fire to this Rain". (Rated NC-17, Steve/Tony)
- ladyshadowdrake wrote "Wolves in the World", a Reverse Big Bang to art by runningondreams. (Art rated general, fic rated Explicit, Steve/Tony)
- yyzeff wrote "An Ancient Gesture". (Rated PG-13, Jane/Thor, Tony)
- cat_77 wrote "Purple Converse". (Rated PG-13, Avengers ensemble)
- sweetwatersong wrote "air combat maneuvering". (Rated G, Pepper, Natasha)
- sailwithoutwind wrote "Been to Hell and Back (and I Went with You)". (Rated PG-13, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, James 'Rhodey' Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision)

- mithen wrote "Heroes of the Squared Circle 55: Royal Rumble". (Rated PG, Clark/Bruce, Dick Grayson, Joker, Wonder Woman, Amazo, Brainiac, DCU/Wrestling fusion)
- zolac_no_miko wrote "Go Forth and Tell the Story". (Rated G, Orin, Atlanna/Original Male Character)
- queencestqueen wrote "Wilted Flowers Part 5: So Trusted". (Rated M, Thea/Oliver)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- nevacaruso wrote "Written Inside". (Rated PG, Raven, Charles)

- silverflight8 posted about Lost Library exchange, a fanworks exchange for fictional works mentioned in canon, such as the books from Dream's library.

- twistedlandmods advertised Twisted Island, a multi-fandom RP game.

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