(no subject)

May 05, 2003 18:58

Which Winnie the Pooh character are you?

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Which Trainspotting Character Are You?

Which Weetzie Bat character are you?

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Which Friends Character are you?

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Which Lisbon Sister from The Virgin Suicides are you?

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Singin' In The Rain: You are the "Singin'In
The Rain" scene. Your the scene that
makes people want to be dancing in the rain.
This scene is happy and meaningful. It shows
that love can make you do the weirdest things.

What Famous Scene From A Movie Are You?
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I'm just a cool person. People like me.

Why do people read your Livejournal?
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You are the Low-Fidelity All-Star. You were born
with your cool, and it's totally natural. You
run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).

What Kind of Hipster Are You?
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Which 80s High School Movie Are You? ...aka the Molly Ringwald appreciation quiz...

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