Welcome to
cominbackagain . First rule of Cominbackagain is, tell everyone about Cominbackagain! And introduce yourself!
Sorry, I'm done quoting now. lol But since we're a new community here, whether you've been in popslash since forever or are just joining us, it would be great if we could get to know all of you! And everyone can always use more popslash on their flists, right? So here's a popslash friending meme! How it works:
1. Copy and paste the following information (with HTML conveniently included for you!) into a new comment to this entry. Fill it out completely. Feel free to omit things you aren't comfortable sharing/don't want to share or things that don't apply to you.
Fan since:
Favorite SDB:
Favorite slash pairing:
Seen them live?
Favorite fandom footage:
Other fandoms/interests: (either on or off LJ)
What's in your journal?
Journal status/Friending policy: (public, friends only, etc.)
Fun fact about yourself:
2. If you see someone you think would be a good asset to your friends list, set up a friending arrangement! Reply to their comment or at an entry in their journal. Don't feel obligated to add everyone that adds you, and don't be offended if someone doesn't add you. Most of all, have fun!