Hey all! I'm back and I want to talk about hot Backstreet Boys and try make up for the gruesome trainwreck
aura_wings12 posted so let's talk about hot vampire Backstreet, yes?
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This is such an awesome song, and Nick's always been a sci-fi geek, so when he comes up with the treatment for the video by himself
you know it's going to be special.
We open with a black screen and an explanation, because apparently Nick wants all the fans to know just how much of a his sci-fi geek he is, and he has to be very specific about his vampires. I actually had to google "Kine" to see where he got it from, and it turns out that it comes from either
The Dresden Files or a supernatural role-playing game called
World of Darkness. (And I don't know about you all but I am absolutely tickled at the thought of Nick playing a supernatural RPG!) Either way, Nick is showing off some serious geek cred here. lol
Next it fades into the dark, gritty back alley of a nightclub, and our femme fatale strolls inside with a ruthless look on her face. As we follow her through the club we get a 2-second shot of Nick's head as he's playing the piano--and as much as I like this video, I feel like it's a prime example of how Backstreet had so much potential and missed the mark so much during this era--and this is reason numero uno. WHY do we not get the visual of Nick playing piano?! WHY?!?! Look at this:
I will forever feel robbed for not getting video of this. *sigh* Anyway, the next sequence moves to the guys dancing on stage, and Brian's ethereal vocals start up, and when I first saw this video I felt like I was having a seizure watching this because the camera moves so fast it's difficult to tell what you're supposed to be looking at in some places, but after watching it a few times I've decided I really like it. There's kind of a crazy, frenetic feel to it, maybe how a vampire with supernatural senses sees the world or something? lol The dancing definitely could have been sharper, but there's great energy. And Howie looks wicked hot in the red jacket...*eyes glaze over*
Then the "action" happens, I guess, when the femme fatale vampire or whatever she is, grabs a blonde chick and leads her away, and I have to be honest I crack up at this point because it's so like Nick to want hot lesbian action in this vid. Seriously, the sci-fi theme isn't enough, you have to include the lesbian subtext there too? Anyway, playing the hero, Nick sees the poor blonde in sunglasses (in a nightclub, huh...) about to be vampire dinner and pulls the vampire chick up onto the stage! And clearly she's a fan, and who wouldn't get on stage with Nick Carter?! But they trick her, because I guess it's that easy to trick a vampire, and throw her into the sunlight and save all the clubgoers. So much for the whole supernatural thing, if there's no fighting or magic or anything, just shove her out the door. I guess they could only cram so much into four and a half minutes, and there must have been a dancing quota, so...
In conclusion, I enjoyed this video for what it was, but I think it could have been a lot better. The color and pacing was good, I just wish it was a little sharper. So, what are your thoughts? Are you a fan of vampires, or sci-fi in general? Should Nick be allowed to do video treatments by himself?