Title: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (Part Three)
Author: Ana
Pairing: Billie/Mike (implied!Mike/Tre)
Rating: R
Notes: The previous part was awfully long and a bit too...academic. I just wanted to give you an idea of Mr. Pritchard's way of teaching. I'm sincerely thankful for all the cute comments I got on Part Two, unfortunately, I couldn't make
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Comments 21
I like the story, makes me feel uncomfortable, which considering the subject matter means you're doing a good job.
Yes, I thought this story would cause that kind of reaction, because of how many boundries I'm breaking. I wanted my characters to have that effect, Mike especially, there's nothing good about him, he's a sick man and Billie is faling into his trap, that's what I wanted to express.
Thanks so much for your comment, though, even though I still don't know if it's something good or bad, haha. But I do want to say that I totally love your icon.
(>///口///<) Aaaaaaah the world sweetest embrace at the end!!!!! This chapter is so great and so fucking hot as well !!!!! Awesome MikeTre smut!!!!! I was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BREATHLESS!!!! Oh no I think I have completely fell in love with Mr. Pritchard !!!!! He's being too nice to me!!!! (can I say that?) It 's ... Emm,I don't how to express, it read like real? Your words and sentences bring gorgeous pictures to my mind. It's the best Billie/Mike slash in English I have ever read. You know, this story makes my demons & angels come alive XDDD ! Am I allowed to beg for the next part XDDD?
Again, I looooove your writing style !!!! <33333
St. Sweets
Well, you've been warned about how dangerous Mr. Pritchard can actually be, so your choice, hahaha. By the way, he's about to get nicer and nicer, haha.
Oh, and you're allowed to say whatever you want, your opinion is quite important to me, and your comments bring a smile to my face too. Again, thank you so much, Hope you like next part as well!!!!
Yep of course I will like it !!! You have never make me feel disapointed !!
Ah, actually i have a little problem about the English slashes parings...In my country the paring is written like A×B, B is always the one underneath. In English, f the paring said A/B, then who is the more aggressive one? I'm always quite confused, in some Billie/Mike works Mike is the one to be fucked... that really makes me feel ... quite... *cough*.....I don't wanna be a Chinese idiot ;;;;;>_<;;;;;; !!!!
And about the Little problem you mentioned, what happens is that in english, the way we write the pairing doesn't really match the story (as you may have noticed) because said way to write the pairing is only meant to describe who will hmmm...you know...with who. Who's top and who's bottom is kind of a surprise.
And don't worry! I will answer any question you may have, okay? It's really interesting what you say about pairings in your country, though. I didn't know that! I guess it makes things easier, doesn't it?
Ohhhh well.... *cough cough* I don't really want to give much away, but I can tell you I like to see you're getting where this story is going...or wants to go, haha. Hope you keep Reading and commenting, because this kind of posts really make me smile.
Oh, I'm about to update in about two or three minutes :) Hope you like next part.
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