Title: Pictures of Billie
Author: strychninetwist
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Billie/Mike
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story
Note: The stuff about what the pastor told Mike did come from this interview:
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2005/mayweb-only/greenday-0505.html Chapter One:
http://comingclean.livejournal.com/3026874.htmlChapter Two:
http://comingclean.livejournal.com/3027344.html School was as boring as ever and after another detention Mike came home and dumped his school bag in the corner of his room before lying face down on his bed. There was some school thing coming up that he didn’t really care about and three different girls had asked him to be their date. They weren’t the first he’d turned down but this time he felt he had to because, no matter how hard he tried not to think of him, Mike had the strangest feeling Billie would be upset if he went on a date with someone else. Besides, he knew he was their last resort so screw them. After a day of school the Pastor’s words seemed ridiculous and as a personal ‘fuck you’ he decided that night he would go back to facing Billie. He didn’t feel quite so lonely with that smile and it had helped him sleep at night.
Laid out on his bed in the quiet of his room, Mike began to think of his mother and his sister. He missed them a lot since they’d moved away to Rodeo and he regretted wanting to stay for a few friends that he probably wouldn’t have in a few years. However he didn’t want to hurt his father’s feelings by telling him that he wanted to move away too. He spent so long thinking about what to say that he didn’t realise he was falling asleep.
This time Billie didn’t look like he did in the picture. He was wearing dark blue jeans with no shirt and was laid out on his back in the sun. Mike approached him slowly and sat down, taking his hand and squeezing it. Billie sat up slightly and moved his head into Mike’s lap. “So you hate church do you? Any particular reason?"
“I don’t really believe in it…and the pastor is a dick. He said my Mom was going to hell for smoking when I was seven. I think he’s a liar.”
“Well that isn’t very nice. I smoke, so am I going to hell Michael?”
“Of course not. He said we both are but you can’t! You’re too beautiful.”
Billie laughed. “I bet the girls at school like you.”
“You’re the only girl I like.”
Billie turned and pushed Mike backwards so he could put his knees either side of Mike’s waist and his forearms either side of Mike’s head. “I’m not sure if you noticed from that photo, it doesn’t make it very clear, but I’m not a girl.”
“I know. I don’t care. I really, really like you,” he was going red from being so close to Billie and he could feel himself getting excited. Billie kissed him and Mike raised his arms to embrace the smaller body. “Is this wrong?”
“Yes, just not in the way you think it is. Your pastor is wrong but don’t forget you’re dreaming Michael. Don’t forget I’m not real.”
Mike didn’t want to listen to Billie’s warnings and instead went back to kissing. He liked that much more. There was still something in the back of his mind though; it reminded him Billie was just a picture on his wall, even if Billie had made his sleeping trouble stop abruptly and put a smile on his face, excluding that crappy Sunday.
“What if I find you? You are a real person.”
Billie gave him a sympathetic smile and kissed him again. “And what if you find me? You’re a boy and I’m a man. There is nothing we could share. Be content with what you have Michael.” The sun began to darken and Mike held him closer while Billie’s hand moved across his body.
Mike woke up with his hand in his shorts and sticky fingers. He gave a happy sigh and cleaned himself up, sending Billie a smile before getting ready for school.