Jul 11, 2006 01:10
Age: 19 in canon.
Height: 5'10ish
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silver
Medical Info: Is a Coordinator. Heightened physical/mental etc strength and abilities. Heals fast, can take more damage, mostly immune to normal sicknessness. Used to have a scar? But that's gone now.
Physical traits: None, really. Has pretty silver hair? Weighs 121 lbs (WTF canon, wtf) but is a Coordinator, so I take it that balances that out PRETTY well and they're not animated as terriblyscrawny or anything so uh. He is powerful despite the look of him.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything! Like always, if you have a concern, feel free to contact me about it! Yzak can go from mature adorable thing to screaming bitch, so I approve of pissing him off and nobody has to worry about that!
Notes for the Psychics: Yzak has a few emo buttons that are pretty known already, but he doesn't mention most of them. He blew up a shuttle full of civilians by accident, he was all D: Dearka died and Athrun went missing. Fought against Dearka at one point, regrets that and that he was a thick-headed douche, basically.
Abilities: Coordinator, again! Is a trained soldier, so excels in both gun and close range type combat. Plays chess well, horseback rides. Good with knives, has very fast reflexes. Once again is a Coordinator so I take it he knows more than that, disabling techniques in both battle and with things like bombs. Can learn things fast, cuz... yeah again, Coordinator. XD
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: IT IS ALL GOOD, just ask.
Kissing/Hugging: ... lol go for it by which I mean it is cool but. It will very much depend on how Yzak will react! Very few people are allowed to drape on him, even, so more than that is like, lol.
Fighting: Ok I added this one. If something happens that your character would want to take a hit, I am ALWAYS okay with this. The way I RP fights is ALWAYS assuming one person is attacking/aiming for somewhere and in the reply, if the player OOCly does not want them to get hit there because it would be fatal/do something else, they could dodge it. But like always, we can talk it out and plan ahead of time!
Maim/Murder/Death: Ass kicking and PAIN IS A-OK! Death no pls.
Emo, Angst, Drama: Gundam SEED is a serious series about war so there is lots of emo! I'm OOCly always open to any sort of serious and emo things with Yzak, so don't be afraid to go into that with him!