(lets see if you can get through it.)
((if not, you're too scared about your past))
-How many girlfriends or boyfriends have told you they love you?: 2
-How many girlfriends or boyfriends have you told you love them? 1
-Have you ever thought that you were going to marry a person?
-Are you crushing on anybody?:
maybe, just a little bit.
-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?:
-Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?:
-Are you happier single or in a relationship?
it's hard to say - there are different types of happy
-Have you ever been cheated on?:
-What is your favorite thing about the same sex?
No matter how pissed you are at each other - video games make it all better.
-Have you ever had your heart broken?:
haven’t we all
-Have you ever broken someone's heart?:
I might have…
-Talk to any of your ex's?:
most of them
-If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
I think I might change the way things happened, but in the end I think we all ended up in the right places. I’m content with my life right now. Who knows if I would be had things been different.
-Think any of your ex's feel the same way?:
I don’t know…I think they are pretty happy with their lives
-Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?:
I wasn't always - but I think I am now
-Have you dated people who were not good to you?:
not that I can think of
-Have you been in an abusive relationship?:
-Have you dated someone older than you?
-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
pretty much
-Believe in love at first sight?:
not so much
-Ever been given an Engagement ring?
-Do you want to get married?:
-Do you have something to say to any of your ex's?:
nothing i haven't told them already
-Ever stolen someone's boyfriend or girlfriend?:
maybe - if i did it wasn't intentional
-Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend?:
who hasn’t, honestly
-Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?:
worse feeling ever and then some…