Qi! Qi is a Golem, the offspring* of a pair of 2nd generation "accidental" golems( a pillowcase and a sock). Her Grandparents were made from a metal-mage's residual magic, when he struck it rich and created his factory he made them work in it (despite being fabric) sence they were 1 st genration they didn't have free-will(yet). Qi' parents work in the same facotry casting metal parts for machines.
(golems aren't considred "beings" so companies save money that would be spent on saftey regulations by making golems. Golems have become more and more efficient and long-lived with each new "version". It's Qi's world's version of outsourcing.)
Her parents have free-will and are well aware of there horrible treament (fabric-based golems working in a metal factory...not a good idea) But choose to stay becuase they only hear horror stories from other golems who have left to "live in the outside".
Qi being a wanna-be hardass. Leaves and hops from jobs to college, never quite finding what she wants to do. So she's well-traveled, and tired of Bio-chem, carpentry, law, phycology, english, and draconic languages and ends up in Savannah(or..a version of it) on a whim.
Qi and Zer end up in the same classes, both swap majors every other week.
Golem don't have birthdays, so Qi arbitrarly picks a new day each year to celebrate it (some times more than one day). She's probubly 25 give or take, having left home around 5 years or so (Golems age weird).
this is an old design, oneof the ones in the submmsions packet. The design doesn't reflect her "sock and pillow" heritage so I've added more of that to her. She also look to innocent her. Qi has been around for a while.
*Qi is androgenous, though she refers to herself as a she.
Borzoth the sky-shamman. Qi's friend after she
...the floursack of note.