Greetings! I apologize for my absence yesterday, and I bring a prompt for today. It will be, quite simply: 42 words. Write stories that have exactly 42 words in them. I think we can manage that
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Choice. It was a funny word to Kurt. He was always told he had a choice: to be gay, to be in glee club, and to be a fashion forward. He didn’t see those things as choices and he didn’t see this as one either. He could be in glee, being so lonely that it was unbearable, or he could be friends with Blaine and life would be bearable. In his mind there wasn’t a choice.
Choice. It was a funny word to Kurt. He was always told he had a choice: to be gay, to be in glee club, and to be a fashion forward. He didn’t see those things as choices and he didn’t see this as one either. He could be in glee, being so lonely that it was unbearable, or he could be friends with Blaine and life would be bearable.
In his mind there wasn’t a choice.
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