Hello, everyone. I’m
tattooeddevil and today's theme is 50 Words Fics. Prompts can be anything, but fills should be 50 words long - or increments of 50.
Just a few rules:
- No more than five prompts in a row.
- No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
- Use the character's full names and fandom's full name for ease adding to the Lonely Prompts
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The brief email could cost a good soldier his career in this dangerous political climate but John doesn't care. Cam isn't two galaxies away anymore. Some insubordination is good for troop morale. He says he’s going to the mainland for beer, takes a puddlejumper. Colorado has beer.
The first time he came alone to visit, it felt weird. They had never really known each other, had barely coincided in the same world in the months they'd known the other existed. But family was important, so Henry persevered.
"Hey dad," he said, crouching before the gravestone. "Missed me?"
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