Miðvikudagur - Threesome

Nov 25, 2009 09:55

And another day has gone by. Today´s theme is Threesome. Throw your favorite pair a party and add a player to the game. No foursomes or moresomes.

To make things easier on our code-monkeys, only 3 prompts per genre and 5 prompts in a row. If your prompt gets answered feel free to leave another one and don´t forget to thank the writer. Also remember the correct formatting:

Leverage, Eliot/Hardison/Parker, This is for you.
House MD, House/Wilson/Chase, Fumbling around in the dark.

Remember to put spoiler-alerts at the top and three spaces, at least a week after the episode has aired if the fic contains spoilers.

If nothing feeds your brain here is a list of Lonely Prompts that need fics.

theme tag=Threesome
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