Hello everyone!! I'm
johnboy91719 and I'm here to guest host the first full week of comment fic for the new year!
To start off this week, I'm going with something that fits my mood after having had four days off work and having to go back. So, we'll do some hurt/comfort today. This can be anything from one character being severely injured to a minor injury to some sort of psychological damage. Be creative in how you hurt a character, and then have some fun with another character comforting him/her.
Please remember the following:
* Post no more than three prompts per fandom and no more than five prompts in a row. If someone fills a prompt, you're more than welcome to post some more prompts later in the day.
* No spoilers in prompts for at least seven days after the original airdate or publication date. If you have spoilers in your fic, please warn in bold and leave at least three spaces.
* Show some love to the code monkeys and format your prompts correctly. Examples below (last one is for crossovers):
- Heroes, Sylar/Peter, one of them catches a cold and the other takes care of the ill one
- One Life to Live, Oliver/Kyle, Oliver has a bad day and goes to drown himself in liquor, Kyle finds him
- SPN/author's choice, Dean/anyone, someone finds Dean beaten and bloody after a hunt
If none of the prompts left today tickle your fancy, feel free to take a peek at the
Lonely Prompts. Now have fun and prompt away!!