Mar 17, 2009 23:38

I'm posting this a bit early for me, but I figured it is Wednesday in many places already. :)

Today's theme is Exotic Locales/Locations
(thanks B for the idea;)

Time to send your favorite pairs off on a vacation to some place exotic and fun.

It doesn't matter what fandom or pairing you choose, so long as the prompt (song lyrics, one word, a picture, whatever) is some place that you think the pairing would like to visit.

Please make things easier for the codemonkeys and their pinch-hitters, please code your prompts correctly:

~ LOTRIPS; Orlando/Sean B; A weekend in Hawaii
~ TW; Jack/Ianto; The Greek Isles
~ LOTRIPS; Karl/Orlando; The South Island of New Zealand

Also, please make sure that you only have one prompt per comment as it makes it easier for everyone and gives you more chance of getting a fic in return for leaving the prompt :)

You can leave and answer as many prompts as you want to, or even write your own.

If you don't see anything that strikes your fancy writing from the prompts left today, feel free to head on over to the Lonely Prompts page and see what fun you can create from them ;)

Send your writer friends over to join in the fun!!

prompts: misc

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