Hi, everybody! I'm
aurilly and I'll be your guest hostess for the week. *waves*
To get started, let's go back even before the start. Today's theme is pre-series. What were characters like before all the madness began? If your favorite pairing only met during the run of the show, what about an AU in which they met ages before? Sorry, but this is a NO RPS day (don't worry, it's the only one of the week).
Please use the following formats (the second is for crossovers) in order to help out our hard-working codemonkeys:
Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Fandom1/Fandom2, Pairing, Prompt
A couple of examples:
Lost, Sun/Penny, bored during daddy's golf game
Heroes/Ugly Betty, Nathan/Daniel, a wager
Please remember to only leave one prompt per comment and to space out your prompts throughout the day so as not to overload any one page.
If nothing here tickles your fancy, take a gander at the
Lonely Prompts index.