Thursday: On Vacation

Jun 18, 2009 07:40

My last day... *pout* I shall have to come up with some crazy themes and do this again!

Today's theme is On Vacation.

After yesterday's insanity, our characters really need a break. What do they do to get away from their normal lives?

Please think about our wonderful codemonkeys and use the correct format (the second is for crossovers).

Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Fandom1/Fandom2, Pairing, Prompt

Firefly, River, Building sand-castles on the beach
Torchwood/Heroes, Jack/Ianto/Gabriel, A broken stopwatch spoils half their vacation plans

Please remember not to post more than 5 prompts in a row and more than 3 prompts per fandom. If one or more of your prompts are answered, you can prompt again later in the day.

If you don't see anything you like, you can always Adopt a Lonely Prompt.
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