Happy Friday yet again, ladies and gents. This means that we get another Free-For-All and everyone goes nuts prompting. Or so we hope.
As always, PLEASE note the rules:
No spoilers in your prompts for at least one week after the air date/ publication.
If there's spoilers in the story, you must warn in bold and leave at least three spaces.
Please do not leave more than five prompts in a row, and no more than three per fandom at a time. If someone answers one of your prompts, you can prompt again.
And, as always... remember to format your prompts in the correct fashion! For example:
Eureka, Jack Carter/Nathan Stark, Wake-Up Calls
Leverage/Burn Notice, Eliot Spenser/Michael Westin, "Mine's bigger"
So, if we can all agree to play by the rules, we can get to prompting! Plus, if you don't see a prompt that bites you take a look at our lonely prompts over
here - just because they haven't been answered doesn't make them unworthy. In fact, they're all pretty spectacular :)
Ready, set... PROMPT!