And here we are again, another Friday and another Free For All - Any fandom, any characters, any theme and any prompts... the only limitation is your imagination!
I'm sure you all know the guidelines by now but just as a reminder:
No more than 5 prompts in a row and no more than 3 prompts per fandom. (Of course, if one of your prompts is answered, you can prompt again)
No spoiler prompts for a week after its aired - and, if your ficlet contains spoilers, put a warning in bold and leave three spaces. This is especially important since we've hit premiere season with tv shows.
Please remember our code monkeys and use the correct formatting of prompts, i.e.
Supernatural, John Winchester & Ellen Harvelle, that's just what kids do
RPS/Leverage, Steve Carlson/Alec Hardison, poptarts are not a decent breakfast
If nothing today is taking your fancy, don't forget our
Lonely Prompts That's all from me - have fun!