Monday - Abracadabra

Nov 02, 2009 09:32

This is one of your fearless leaders posting for lovesrogue36.

Your prompt for this first Monday in November is Abracadabra. Mystical creatures, magical powers, unexplained events or fandoms with all three already present, anything involving magic is welcome!

No more than 5 prompts in a row and no more than 3 prompts per fandom. (Of course, if one of your prompts is answered, you can prompt again.)
No spoiler prompts for a week after it has aired - and, if your ficlet contains spoilers, put a warning in bold and leave three spaces. This is especially important since we've hit premiere season with tv shows.

Please remember our code monkeys and use the correct formatting of prompts, i.e.

Eastwick, Kat/Darryl, a repeat performance of 'Spooky'
Leverage, Nate/Sophie, she looks positively delicious in that witch hat for Halloween and he doesn't even care she's a week late

If nothing catches your eye today, don't forget to check out the Lonely Prompts.
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