Even in this silly little journal, I received a slew of comments all of the sudden. Isn't is fun how people hold back until they can express themselves in hate? These are not people I care to know. They are anti-progressive. One or two persons deleted their comments before they dropped me, which makes a lot of sense. Another person left several long comments which I didn't read, because this person is an idiot. I've spent years considering the words of idiots and now, guess what, I see that their words are idiotic, imagine that.
Before I deleted these long rambling manifesto comments, I did catch a few lines, just as my eyes roamed:
1 - We have had a mental case in office for the last four years.
2 - It doesn't matter if there were 6 Antifa at the Capital, because there were 5000 'Trumpians'.
3 - You don't know what you are talking about, (regarding the election).
1 - That's how you start your argument, by name calling? Do you have any idea how fucking bored I am with the verbal piling on that has been occurring for the last 5 years?! I AM SICK OF IT. You don't talk about policies, you just call Trump names, and somehow that makes you right? Somehow you have some kind of divine liberal wisdom that allows you your pathetic back-stabbing, and cancel culture. This is why you are disgusting to me. You say you back science and the facts, when everything you say is completely subjective. How original, to repeat the drumbeat that the media has been pounding into everyone for years. That shows some real intellectual acuity. Orange man bad. IS THAT SOME KIND OF PROFESSIONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS?
2 - Yes it does matter that there were Antifa, central to the Capital incursion. Because the facts show that this event was planned ahead of time, and followed the same rule book as has been used by Antifa in US cities over the past year. Many other Antifa were dressed as Trump supporters. Really, 5000 Trumpians invaded the Capital? Why stop there? Why not blame everyone who was at the rally, which approached one million people? Did they all fit into the Capital, as well? No. There were 200 people who got in, maximum. And they were mainly guided around strategically by insiders. It was a fake-out, and you fell for it. You know nothing about how false flags are, and have been, conducted. You just gobble it up, and now we are living in a police state, thanks to idiots like you.
3 - I don't know what I'm talking about. Hmmm. I majored in psychology. Oh, I also majored in Poli Sci. Oh, wait, also in International Relations. Oh, and I have been studying politics in America my entire life. That includes seeing elections tampered with in the past, which the media just papered over. I have read Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Marx and Engels, John Stewart Mills, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine. Clearly, I am without a clue. This election was stolen. Stay around another 50 years, or let your children hear it, and the truth will come out. NOTHING has disproved the election being stolen. Instead, Democratic judges have dismissed cases based not on the merits, but on standing. The Supreme Court passed up the Texas case because they were too afraid to take it, intimidated by rioters on the left, doing wheelies in front of the FBI and DOJ buildings. Congress did the same thing - voted on fear, not the facts. This has been a slow coup, and idiots like you have been greasing the wheels. If you would have studied what has happened in Ukraine, Venezuela, Cuba, Germany - as I have - you would know that I knew exactly what I was talking about. I don't have time for trash like you. Your comments have all been deleted unread.
You did it with Trump for four years, and now I have even more a right to do it with Biden. HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT. You are entrenched in a conspiracy of lies. That makes you something less than a person, in my eyes.