Do you remember these, guys?

Feb 22, 2007 21:25

What time is it? 9:25 pm mst

*the basics
1. Full name: Allison Renee Greco
2. Birthday: November 30th
3. Location: Boise
4. Where else have u lived: Brandon, FL; Idaho Falls, ID; Pocatello, ID; Boise, ID
5. School/mascot/colors: Blue and Orange (blech)
6. Zodiac sign: Sagitarius
7. Shoe size: 7 1/2 - 8
8. Height: 5’4"
9. Are your parents tall: Hahaha no, my dad's 5'7" or so and my mom's 5'4"
10. Pets: It's The Hippo!
11. Siblings: 1 sister and 1 half-brother

12. Eye color: Green-hazel
13. Hair color: Amber brown-ish and tiny blonde streaks
14. Hair lenth: Down to the middle of my back
15. Ever dyed your hair?: Since junior high it's been pretty much constantly dyed.
16. What color?: Usually some variation on blonde.
17. Grade: In... college...?
18. Are you good in school?: Meh, I guess so.
19. Hobbies: Teh intarweb!!!
20. Nicknames: Allie, Al, Allie Cat, Booger, Mucus
21. What languages do you speak? English, some French.

22. Do you play sports? I do Wii bowling like a god!!!
23. Where were you born? Tampa, FL
24. Are you a night or a morning person? Night
25. Are you ticklish? Seriously ticklish...
26. Do you believe in God? No
27. Do you have any other screen names?: Yep.
28. What are they?: sabsiebabe, grecalli
29. Do you have braces?: No, never have
30. Do you have glasses/contacts?: Yes, glasses (I just got new ones, they are super sexy, vision insurance is so cooooool!)

*getting personal
31. What do you want to be when you grow up? Something fancy.
32. What was the worst day of your life? Um... I don't know...?
33. What is your most embarrassing story? Don't know....?
34. What has been the best day of your life? I'll give you a hint, it involved me and Cameron, and we weren't playing chess.
35. What comes first in your life? My Hippo!
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Boyfriend!
37. What are you most scared of?: Spiders
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? On the ends of my ears.

39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Sex! I'm so naughty.
40. What do you regret the most? My whole relationship with Joe
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would you be?: President.


42. Movie: Labyrinth
43. Song: "Break Me" by Savage Garden
44. Band/group: Darren Hayes/Gackt
45. Store: Barnes & Noble
46. Relative: Heather (big sister)
47. Sport: ... none?
48. Vacation spot: Disneyworld!!!
49. Ice cream flavor: Cake Batter at Cold Stone
50. Fruit: Strawberries
51. Candy: Watermelon Jolly Rancher
52. Car: Mini Cooper S convertible
53. Class: Theatre 101
54. Holiday: My birthday!
55. Day of the week: Dunno...
56. Color: Red/White/Black
57. Magazine: Game Informer
58. Name for a girl: Elizabeth or Charlotte
59. Name for a boy: Giacomo or Nathaniel
60. Sports team: None
61: Month: November! (birthday)
62. Man athlete: None
63. Female athlete: None

64. Actress: Scarlett Johansen, mostly because she's so gorgeous -I'd- have sex with her.
65. Actor: Gerard Butler is pretty hot, I'm excited to see him in 300
66. Tv show: Good Eats, Gilmore Girls, all the silly non-cooking shows on Foot Network
67. Web site: Livejournal
68. Animal: Wolf
69. E-mail buddy: Colin, lately
70. Joke: Two rubber duckies are floating in the bathtub. The first one turns to the other and asks, "Hey, can you pass the soap?" The second duckie says, "What do you think this is, a soap opera?"
71. Saying: Your mom.
72. Word: Transcendentalism is pretty cool, so it episcopalian
73. Brand of shoes: Meh...
74. Radio station: I'd like 91.5 FM here, it's the college station that broadcasts NPR.
75. Room in your house: Bedroom (mwehehehe)
76. Concert you have been to: I've never been to a professional concert.
77. CD: Gackt's "Mars"
78. President: Clinton was fun
79. Salad dressing: Caeser
80. Meat: Chicken or rabbit
81. Pizza topping: Hawaiian
82. State: Florida was cool

83. City: Orlando
84. Lake: I... don't have a favorite lake...?
85. Ocean: I've only been in the Gulf of Mexico
86. Place to be: Out on the town
87. Smell: Fresh laundry
88. Sound: Cameron's laugh (so sappy...)
89. Taste: Really rich, savory things
90. Feeling: The warm, fuzzy feelings
91. College: Favorite college...? Neither...?
92. Number: 4
93. Book: Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire
94. Vacation spot: Disneyworld
95. Grandma: Granny in Georgia
96. Grandpa: Pops
97. Cereal: Frosted Flakes or Honey Nut Cheerios

*not so favorite
98. Car: Erika's old Ford Tempo, Tempos suck!!!
99. Color: Umm... poop?
100. Teacher: That one math teacher I had in the 8th grade
101. Class: PE
102. Day of the week and why: Monday, no explanation needed
103. Holiday: Labor Day, no point.
104. Season: Fall, as pretty as it is, it's cold and wet.
105. Month: ... January? It's cold...?
106. Sport: Almost all sports are not my favorite
107. Sports team: Meh...
108. Male athlete: Meh...
109. Female athlete: Meh...

110. Movie: The Good Shepherd, sssnnnooorrrreee....
111. Actress: ... Paris Hilton? I don't know.
112. Actor: I don't like Tom Cruise or Hayden Christiansen, they both can only play one character-type.
113. T.V. Show: Almost everything put out for teenagers (MTV shows, the daytime Disney Channel stuff)
114. Web site: MySpace
115. Food: Tuna
116. Drink: Root Beer
117. Band: That one with the lead singer that has the most high-pitched, whiny, god-awful voice eeeevvvveeerrrr....
118. Male singer: See last question
119. Female singer: Fergie
120. Animal: Insects in general
121. Store: Clothing stores (self esteem issues)
122. Video rental store: I don't know
123. E-mail buddy: My mom, she's silly
124. Joke: I can't think of just one

125. Saying: "That's how I/we roll"
126. Word: "No."
127. Brand of shoes: .... ugly ones...?
128. Radio station: Don't have one.
129. Room in your house: Bathroom I guess, that's where the kitty-box is.
130. Concert you have been to: See previous concert answer
131. CD: Cameron's Tech N9ne CD
132. President: Dubya
133. Salad dressing: Thousand Island, yuck...
134. Meat: Tuna
135. Pizza topping: I don't like sausage, it's too spicy in a way that's not hot, just over-seasoned
136. State: Texas I guess, just because of the awful attitude they have.
137. City: ...?
138. Lake: The totally non-lake of Ririe reservoir
139. Ocean: ... can you have a non-favorite ocean? What's to dislike? It's a bunch of water, salt, and fish. Hooray for oceans, I say.
140. Place to be: Alooooone....
141. Smell: Stinky Cameron farts...
142. Sound: The tone my mom takes when she launches into lecture mode
143. Taste: Stuff that is burnt...?
144. Feeling: Inadequacy
145. Letter: Now, I didn't want to say anything... but that N has been looking at me very inappropriately lately.
146. Date: The day after my birthday. What an anticlimax
147. Book: John Grisham novels in general
148. Vacation spot: I don't like camping.
149. Grandma: Grandma Sara (Not my Sally-bear Sarah, besides she's not a grandma)
150. Grandpa: Papa (that would be my mother's biological father, I still call him by the name he was given by my older cousin Amanda when she was 2 or 3 years old)
151. Cereal: Cinnamon-y anything

*in the past week have you
152. Had a serious talk? Today, actually, about what life is for and why are we still around, and how everyone should just die. Cameron's a maudlin dude sometimes.
153. Mugged someone? OMG totally! I was all like, "stick 'em up!" and the guy was all like, "NO WAY!" and I was all like "*BANG!*" and he was all like *dead*.
154. Fought with a friend? Nope
155. Cried? Sort of kind of not really, just felt like it, lots of inadequacey issues came to me today (the menstration... she comes!!!!)
156. Laughed? Of course
157. Made someone laugh? I... don't think so.

158. Bought something? I watched Cameron buy a shitload of groceries
159. Cut your hair? I shaved my legs! does that count?
160. Felt stupid? Not stupid, but not *fascinating* the way I wish I could be.
161. Talked to someone you love? Everyday, he's stuck with me
162. Missed someone? I was poignantly missing all my buds, Erika, Georgia, and Sarah (order randomized) because I just wanted to get out of the house and hang with them

*have you ever...
163. Done drugs? Nopers.
164. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? Like.... everytime I get Oreos...
165. Been dumped? Mwahaha, no.
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you? No
167. Watched Punky Brewster? I... don't think so? I can't remember.
168. Hiked a mountain? Cameron made me, and I also did it at summer camp once. It sucked.
169. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? I stay at home because I'm poor and Boise is expensive.
170. Been in love? Of course
171. Seen the White House? In... pictures...
172. Seen the Eiffel Tower? At the Epcot Center! And in pictures...
173. Tried smoking? No.
174. Drank alcohol? Oh yeah, in fact we bought a bottle of sake today, which we haven't cracked open yet, but maybe soon.
175. Smoked marijuana? No
176. Played Monopoly? Just the other night! Cameron schooled me.
178. Seen Titanic? Hasn't nearly everyone?
179. Kissed someone? He has a canker sore, but I keep forgetting and kissing him and getting an "ow!"
181. Lost your virginity? Yes
182. Rollerbladed? Yes
183. Jumped on a trampoline? Yes
184. Visited another country? No
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? I can't find my kitty cat coloring book... sad face...
186. Had a bubble bath? Yes
187. Been on a plane? Yes
188. Been on a boat? Yes
189. Been on a train? Unless you count "choo choo trains" (meaning tiny, amusement park-style trains) then yes!
190. Been in a car accident? Yes
191. Ridden an elephant? Dude, like twice a day.

192. Made a web page? Yes, I had a Sailor Moon one once and a Fushigi Yuugi too
193. Played with Barbies? Yes... I actually used to make them have sex back before I was totally sure of what it was, I was surprisingly accurate it my guesses. I hope I'm not the only weirdo...
194. Stayed up all night? Yes, doing it now actually.
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? You mean... that's not how you clean your room?
196. Broken a bone? I cracked my nose, but not broken a bone.
197. Called a psychic or sex hotline? No
198. Watched Jerry Springer? Yes, my sister was (and probably still is) a daytime TV freak, so we watched 'em all, Jerry, Montel, Maury Povich...
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Ooooh yeah, and it was always YOUR fault! *accusatory finger!*
200. Been afraid of the dark? Still am, I'm a loserrr...
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? Yes, but never overnight I don't think (unless you count babyhood)
202. Had stitches? Yup, I've got the big scar on my hand and the 4 tiny ones around my stomach to prove it!
203. Dumped someone and regretted it? Dumped but no regret, only freedom and happiness.
204. Went out with more than one person at a time? Haha, no.
205. Lied? I'm sort of compulsive when it comes to my mom, even when it's nothing I need to lie for, I have to fight myself to just tell the truth. It's baaad.
206. Been arrested? No
207. Fallen asleep in class? Yes, Government in High School
208. Used food for something other than to eat? I attempted the sexy whipped cream on the Cameron, and it totally didn't work. I got rejected like whoa.
209. Met a celebrity? No.
210. Broken the law? Underaged drinking is totally metal.
211. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Hmm... no, but I've gotten the warm & squishies.
212. Hated yourself? I don't hate myself, but I'm disappointed, and I'm not sure how much I like myself.
213. Been brokenhearted? Yes
214. Broken someone’s heart? Yeah, and it was hard but necessary.
215. Wanted to kill someone? No
216. Fell off a chair?: Haha, probably..
217. Lap danced? given or recieved? No, I'm too self-conscious, although I kind of got a silly lap dance from Cameron once, but it wasn't very sexy, just funny.
218. Been in a fist fight? Nah, I don't wanna hurt nobody.
219. Been in a cat fight? In a face-off style shouting match with Becky at homecoming. Stupid Becky.

*do you...
220. Like to give hugs? Yesyesyes!
221. Like to walk in the rain? Hmm... I don't like being wet in clothes that aren't meant for being wet (bathing suit), it feels -wrong- but as long as I'm not cold and wet, I can get over it.

222. Sleep with or without clothes on? With usually, I like PJs
223. Prefer black or blue pens? Black, blue pens always look funny to me.
224. Dress up on halloween? I used to, but now I don't have a reason to.
225. Have a job? sort... of...?
226. Like to travel? YES
227. Like someone? I like The Hippo!
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? I sleep in all positions, but mostly back or side, then when I wake up about 2 hours before I'm supposed to, I almost always roll to my stomach and fall back asleep from there.
229. Think your attractive? Sometimes I feel so hot that I want to strut a little and be noticed, and then a mirror gets in my way and crushes all my delusions.
230. Want to marry? Yes, but he doesn't and that hurts.
231. Have a goldfish? I -had- Steve the Goldfish, who was super-cool, but he died.
232. Ever have the falling dream? Yes! And I always end up bouncing into the bed like I just fell into it, it's a surreal thing to feel gravity let go of you just before you wake up, then have it grab onto you again right when you open your eyes.
233. Have stuffed animals? OMG like whoa.

234. Go on vacation? Not really, I'm po'

235. Do you belive in the horoscopes: Believe? No. Enjoy? Yes.

236. Do you like your handwriting: Sometimes, when it agrees and looks pretty, not when it's crazy and all over the place.
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: I would be The Hippo! Because then I'd be fuzzy, have whiskers and a tail, and everyone would be compelled to luuuuv me.
238. What superhero would you be: Batman!! Duh nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh Batmaaaannnn.... POW! BOP! ZAP!
239. Do you have any piercings: I had 3 in one ear and 2 in the other, but the extras have pretty much healed over, the 2 originals (1 in each ear) are still good.
240. Any tattoos: Nope
241. If so where: N/A
242. If not, where and what do you want: I'm still lovin' the idea of tiny silvery angel wings on my shoulder blades, but it's hard to reach that to care for them, and meh, I'm not great with pain.

243. Are you picky: Very.
244. What makes you cry: Lately a lot, I'm not sure if I'm just more connected to my feelings or having some kind of mental breakdown, but I've been crying at TV shows and sappy movies. And NO I'm not pregnant, I've begun the week-long proof of that today, so bug off!
245. What makes you mad: A lot of things, but mostly stuff that hurts my feelings. Instead of bawling over it, I get defensive and angry.
246. What do you think of eminem: He's quite... white.
247. Who do you admire: Dude, me, totally. I'm awesome.
248. Do you like cartoons: ADULT SWIIIIM! AQUA TEEEEEN!
249. Do you believe in the devil: Hmm... no.
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Italy, primarily Tuscany.
251. What did you do today: Shower, grocery shopping, watched American Beauty (finally, very excellent), started an outline on a story idea which could be cool if I can break a lot of bad habits and do it the way I envision it, and then I stayed up aaaall night (it's 7:18 am now, no I haven't been working on this the whole time, either, just got distracted)
252. Where do you work: It's not where, for whom, and that whom is The Hippo!
253. Do you even have a job you lazy bum: I take offense, next question!
254. Are your 'rents lame: Anyone who calls their parents "'rents" is already too lame to be questioning my lameness.
255. Do you own a miniskirt: I own a skirt which is fairly short that I've worn once in public, but it's not "mini"
256. Do you floss: Only when something is stuck. I have no flossing skill.
257. What is the farthest your have traveled: From Florida to Idaho by car.
258. Who is a diva: BLAAAAKE! I love Blake.
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: Redken Color Extend. You gotta spend money to have good hair, baby.
260. What about conditioner: Same.
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: Yeah...
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Who... me? *eyelash flutter*
263. Got milk: We got 2 gallons today, they'll be gone by the end of next week (and it's Friday today!) The thing is, I don't use milk except for cooking and the occassional cappucino. It's aaaaall Cameron.
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: YES! ERIKA IS SO COOL!
265. Name something that comes in threes: Sneezes.
266. Ever worn black nail polish: I... don't think so.
268. How many sheets are on your bed: 2, a fitted and a flat.
269. What's under your bed: Not much, probably just whatever's rolled under there.
270. Do you have your own tv and vcr: I have 3 TVs, a PS2, XBOX, Gamecube, Wii, DVD player, surround sound, 2 VCRs, SNES and Nintendo 64. I'm pimped to the max.
271. Do you believe in fate: Mmm... it's easy to say "Oh, it was meant to be" to explain away both good and bad things, and I'm lazy so I accept that and use it. But belief is a strong word.
272. Do you see dead people: Yeah. Wanna fight about it?
273. Are you a good speller: Shure aym, missye! Foniks!!

274. What is your lucky charm: The Fuzzy Bear.
275. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: That's an old, but still good question and I blew my mom's mind with it like a month ago.
276. Do you like little kids: Only when they're good, even though Justice is adorable and usually really fun.
277. Are you talented: ... I don't know... maybe?
278. If so, how: I used to be able to write a little, and I like my singing
279. Ever hugged a tree: Umm.. I think so, but I'm not ready for a serious commitment yet.
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: No
281. Do you ever steal anything from hotels: I stole a shower cap at the last hotel I stayed at because shower caps are the shiznit.
282. Ever seen a ghost: No
283. How about an alien: Only The Hippo (she's from Mars, you know)
284. Do you beleive in either of them: No.

*what do you think about
285. Abortion: I don't think I could do it, but I feel it's too individual and personal a decision to be legislated.
286. Bill Clinton: He's a funny dude.
287. Smoking: Don't do it, dude!!
288. Eating disorders: Sad
289. Rap: Meh, it's hard to do it in a way that catches my attention, and I hate the degredation of women that by and large goes on, so I've sort of boycotted it.
290. Jerry Springer: He's funny too.
291. Suicide: While I don't agree, I don't get why it's illegal.
292. South Park: GOD. Okay, not really, but super-funny.
293. Summer: Yay, Summer!
294. Tattoos: Cool, but owie!
295. Peircing: Everything in moderation, pin cushions we are not, kiddies.
296. Make-up: Only when the lowest of self esteem issues strikes
297. Drinking: Not often.
298. Guys: Cute but dense.

299. Girls: Soooo complicated! What's wrong with us?!

*what do you think when you hear this name:
300. Jennifer: A girl I went thru training with
301. Leah: Remini (actress)
302. Megan: Sarah's sister
303. Brandon: The guy who's name I can't remember that went to HS with us and had really dumb teeth.
304. Christina: Aguilera. (just because you CAN sing that loud, honey, doesn't mean you SHOULD. give it a REST!)
305. Angela: Hayes (from American Beauty, just watched it)
306. Courtney: Cox, and generally girls named Courtney are somehow annoying.
307. Jeff: ... dunno
308. William: Shakespeare
309. Nikki: Cameron's 1st girlfriend I think, who was ugly. I'm way hotter than her. mwaha.
310. Brian: Family Guy
311. Lauren: STUDLEY!
312. Derek: dunno
313. Lisa: Cameron's sister
314. Kristie: dunno
315. Matt: Matty!!!
316. Holly: from Girl's Next Door show
317. Jackie: from Workout, another TV show
318. Caitlin: dunno
319. Caroline: dunno
320. Joseph: ex, yucky, go away
321. Sebb: dunno
322. Patrick: Warburton. Overexposure is not so good, dude, learn to say "No."
323. Erin: Denney from Sarah's theatre class

*your friends
333. Friends: I have.... 4? that are really close I mean.
334. Best friend: I don't pick bests
335. Spend most time with: nooonnnne.... sssaaddd fffaaaccceeee....
336. Best house: Sorry guys, but Sarah's parents' house is the shiznit.
337. Funniest: Lookin'? That'd be Cameron.
338. Smartest: Georgia. 'Cuz she farts gas.
340. Strongest: Sarah. Now don't judge her by her super-skinny appearance, she's like 85 pounds of wiry muscle and she will FUCK YOU UP!
341. Most athletic: Kendra I guess.
342. Knows you the best: Erika or Sarah (sorry Georgia, but they've got the years on you)
343. Most outgoing: Sarah, mostly for volume
344. Most shy: Erika has a strange paradox of shyness and forwardness, she's too shy to approach a lot of things, but in certain situations, well, she flashes her boobs to random strangers.
345. Always negative: sorry, but it's Erika.
346. Which one let the dogs out: Who? Whowhowhowho?
347. Most trustworthy: All of them
348. Most fun to be with: All of them (but only all at once, individually, tch, snoooore)
349. Biggest flirt: Hmm... Sarah did get to make out with Scottish man.
350. Best dressed: Georgia has preeeetty clothes
351. Best eyes: Totally The Hippo.
352. Most depressed: Erika and Georgia tie for explicit depression
353. One to gossip with: Erika is gossip headquarters!
354. Sweetest: Well, I have licked all of my friends, and the Hippo, although the furriest, is the sweetest.
355. Who has the best room: Sarah's room is pretty, but it doesn't have enough of her personality in it (she hasn't been in it long enough, methinks)
356. Who follows you: Georgia probably follows the most, because Georgia doesn't want to step on anyone else's plans, which is sweet of her
357. Who do you follow: both Sarah and Erika take charge easily
358. Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: Dude, I don't like anybody, it's all a game
359. Do you make friends easily: No, I haven't made a single Boise friend.
360. Are you intimidated by any of your friends: No, even though they are all taller than me.
361. If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: sorry guys, but Cameron. You all can't have the hot smex with me.
362. Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: Erika has definitely been there when I'm in trouble (let's all say giant gash in my hand together!)
363. Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: I like to think all of them would, because I would for all of them.
364. Who is the most popular: Erika, because she's in her sorority.
365. Who is the most unpopular: Georgia, because she's like me and doesn't know how to make friends.
366. Who do u want to go to college with: All of them!
367. Who do u wish could be part of your family: All of them!
368. Who is the biggest junk food junkie: ALL OF THEM!
369. Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: Erika. She and I are money-whores.
370. Who do u think has the nicest siblings: Georgia. Totally. Best, most quiet sibs ever.
371. Who do u think has the nicest mom: I love Erika's mom.
372. Who do u think has the nicest dad: Georgia's dad is so sweet.
373. Who do you have the most inside jokes with: Sarah I'd have to say, too much pre-teen time spent together. Hey, Sarah: Twang.


Ended at 7:44 am mst.
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