Hmm... the past few days have been... eventful? I guess that word works.
Thrus: the saxes stole our parts for "Crusin' for a Bluesin'" during our sectional both during and after school. I went to Chuck E. Cheese with Carolyn to work on AP Calc work. When I came home I went up to John's only to find Tessie and Andrea on top of each other in his den... wow... Later went to Andrea's to watch "Kingdom of Heaven" then home to work on my D&D character.
Fri: b-fast @ Brother's w. some AWE kids, Veteran's Day ceremony - I sang a song with Chambah that I had never even seen before. That was quite the experience, and quite corny. D&D! w00t-ness.
We were in a catacombs below a decrepit temple. On a door was a cryptic note in a weird language w. a poem about desecrating tombs and fire. Oh, and it had a P.S.
John "Nikki, do you want to read the P.S?"
Nikki "Sure"
John "P.S.: Boom"
Nikki "Oh Fuck"
Me, the halfling (who was standing directly in front of the door) "Huh?"
John "The door explodes in a giant ball of fire. Everyone make a reflex save."
Football game, that's when the interesting evening began. Cold, 'nuff said. Derek called me asking for a ride to the band party. I willingly obliged. I became chauffer, driving two other people too. Party was pretty good. Derek and I camolaged Ann's car in leaves, then he left to go somewhere else in Wakefield. After the band party I came home to find disturbing news from my parents:
Derek came home from reeeeeally drunk and told his mom that I was somehow involved, or that's what my parents said. I'm sorry Derek if you are reading this, but I'm not sure I can quite trust you anymore. I found some other very concerned friends online, and we stayed up until 2am chatting about the very pressing issue at hand.
Sat: got up early, raked. Went downtown with the concerned friends from the evening before. It was very enjoyable, I need to hang out w. them more often. 'Super Saturday' for Drama. COME SEE THE CRUCIBLE THIS WEEKEND!!! Out to dinner for Nick's b-day, then to Tori's, where I helped Andrea w. physics... fun!
Today: got some stuff at RadioShack... took a hell of a lot longer than it should have cuz the parts I wanted were concealed in a low level drawer, then to Drama. I feel an urge to throw a giant lightswitch rave with that light board. Finally got new pens @ Staples, then started working on my electronics project that I hope can remain secretive. Then church. It was only me & BK, so I had to cantor... that was reeeeeeeeeeally scary. I didn't do too badly but it was damn nerve racking. Home to work more on my prototype, then it's time for "homework" (i.e. procrastinating and writing this)
Maybe I'll do some homework now?? Yay for Senioritis.