fandomsecrets fills me with SO MUCH CRAZY 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' it is amazing.
It has in fact EARNED the Simon Tam Icon of WTFBBQJAYNEBEAR?
Okay kids, let's sit down with Aunt Wren, and I will tell you not How I Met Your Parents, but rather, a very simple fact of life.
Just because I prefer to watch a man angel, and a man hunter, have awesome crazy interspecies sex ... does not mean that I do not have a serious femalewood problem when Sam Winchester goes around without a shirt.
Just because I write - A LOT - about a man and his angel and how their love is so non!verbal, does not mean I sit there and think of ways for the Sasquatch to die in a horrible death that involves fireants, Ruby's left teat and ... I don't know, penguins.
I'll admit it. I'll say RIGHT HERE OUTLOUD.
I'm a Dean/Cas shipper.
And I fucking love Sam.
I love that kid. I love his Hellproblems and OHGODIENDEDTHEWORLD problems and his dirty!demon sex and his floppy hair and his struggle with his humanity. I love the fact that he still needs Dean's approval, even when he's pretending he doesn't. I love how he's trying to be a man, instead of a victim. I love his puppy face, and God Damn It, one of my favorite moments in Supernatural is STILL Sam with his one sock and loss of a shoe face. Classic.
Dean!girl that I am, I love Sam fiercely.
So I'm going to use his icons. I'm going to write him in fanfic. I'm going to read Sam/Gabriel and Sam/Chuck and Sam/Sarah and every single Sam/Jess AU. Why?
'Cuz I like Sam.
And? AND?
Just because I don't see Dean/Sam? Does not mean I am out for Wincest blood. Some of my best friends are Wincesters. We taunt each other with Dean/Sam/Castiel sandwiches of lurve. Why? Because we're cool, and we remember the number one commandment of Shipping.
1. Thou Shalt Not Be A Douchebag about OTP.
So stick that in your 'ocean of feelings' icon!failure?
And smoke it.