Title: Live As If You'll Die Today [2/2 of the Con!AU]
Author: Commodoresexual
Rating: NC-17,
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jo, Ellen/Bobby, Gabriel
Spoilers: It's an AU, written for the AU!Challenge at
deancastiel, but this might make more sense if you have seen 5.10.
Warnings: Man on man loving, cursing, and contains allusions to child abuse.
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Comments 9
:sits down to read:
Dude I love this so much and it's so amazing and unffffff. I love that you end it there, without showing Sammy revealing himself to Dean, and without anyone knowing if Cas will ever speak again or any of that. This is so epic... I'm so amazed at what you've done with my one little prompt. :D
I liked finding out a bit more about Cas, though it was sad stuff :(. I get the impression that there's more, though- losing his brother, even a twin, doesn't seem like it can account for Cas' need to run.
I like how his and Dean's relationship is progressing and how Dean is starting to realise that there is more between them than sex. Even if he has to admit it via talk of book borrowing ;).
Nice bit of banter between Dean and Sam, too :).
This line had me laughing so damn hard! LOVED it.
This whole thing is just amazing. I was glued to the screen from the first sentence, and I've loved every minute of it so far, I'm sure I'm gonna love the rest of it too. Can't write more, gotta read the rest! But I LOVE it! Just so you know!
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