i finally have the time to update so im going to try the best i can..up first is florida..i finished upoading the best pictures and now i will post them here with some commentary so it feels like you were there..which you were not but it'll be close..i promise
from left to right: jutt, pierre, spanish, myself, chower, and ken...just getting someone to take our picture as we sip on the best thing in the world! pineapple juice with pineapple coolwhip..damn bull
this is jutt, he likes over priced pop-corn
here i am thinking...what am i thinking about? im not too sure..maybe it was you?
::woooosh:: im spinnin round and round...where will i stop? no one knows...next to me in the cup was kenny, jutt, and spanish..it was a very small cup mind you
and here in the wild we see three of the most amazingest modles the world has to offer
i think this was on the bus to somewhere..im with jutt and damn are my eyes sexy...jutt looks like a bird
myself and the lovely lauren with whom i spent most of the trip..this was on the dock before the cruise
me and my new posse..just some sick ass gangstas chillin in our fly ride checkin out the honies..except for petey (green) he's a pedophile..ehh it happens...nigga can throw down some sick ass rhymes though
the only actualy picture of anything disney related i took on the whole trip..who cares
this lunch was $210 and we made spanish pay for it..
clockwise from bottom left: kenny, broz, myself, ashwin, stalker, glen (behind spanish), spanish, lauren, and jutt..fun times yummy food..and a not so i hot waitress( i thought)
so on the last night we decided to make a boat..after trying to flood the bath tub we added a chair and voila! a pirate boat...next came the fish.or...the toilet paper roll which was turned into a paper mache cock~and~balls and stuffed in the window of the room...ooh silly swish bucklers (10 points to anyone who can tell me where that came from...hint* tv show on comedy central)
oh goodness!! the super heros and the horrible sun burn(mine turned to sun poisoning but thats another story) so we played super hero's many times here a few snapshots..the top two are from the red roof in and the bottom one is in the hotel room..matt's got some nice arm tan goin on
so that was my florida vacation in the short version..there are alot more pictures and i think 2 videos we made..one of pirates and the other of the miracle of childbirth...hopefully i can put those up before i die...not likely....tomorrow i shall do prom and all of the magnificent stories that come along with it...other than that..i have some new news but im not telling anyone till next week..this weekend i got not much going on ..lax banquet on sat as well as SAT's and i think tomorrow after school there is some freestyle battle goin on in my basement for all who care to join..most likely me and ken...ill put that up sometime in summer...peace out..
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