Delivered to Minerva via a school Owl during lunchtime along with a sprig of heather; Tom has been missing meals frequently and is not sitting at the Slytherin table.
Dearest Minerva,
I have been neglectful of you these past weeks, a state of affairs that I know has caused you distress, even though you have forborne making mention of it. Rest assured that your sweet concern and sacrifice will not go unanswered; the time is nearly at hand when I shall be able to give you the keys to Hogwarts itself, should you wish them.
Dearest, I am on the brink of achieving that which I have striven for since my first night within these ancient walls. Tonight, the castle will reveal its deepest secret.
Enough. I can already see that lovely, puzzled expression you get when you are trying to figure out what sort of trouble your Slytherin boyfriend is planning this time. You will not be left to wonder; it is my intention to include you in this and all things as together we build a limitlessly bright future.
Never doubt that all of my accomplishments pale in comparison to the winning of your heart, even though I cannot truly claim to have won that which you have given me freely.
Everything is going to change. The journey starts tonight, my love, and I want you by my side. I will be outside your common room at seven o'clock.