Welcome & FAQ

Dec 19, 2011 22:02

Welcome to Community Big Bang, a fic/art challenge, with the goal to write a 15,000 word fic, based around the NBC TV show, Community.

General Questions:

Q: How do I sign-up for the community_bbang?
A: Instructions and necessary information is provided on the sign-up page.

Q: What are the dates for the posting/deadlines/etc.?

Writer/Artist signups close: January 31st
1st Draft Due: April 27th
Artist Claims: April 30th
Posting Schedule Released: May 7th
Art Due: May 30th
Posting Begins: June 1st

Q: Can my fic be a crossover?
A: Yes, your fic is allowed to crossover with any fandom so long as Community is the main focus.

Q: Can my fic be any pairing?
A: Absolutely. Het and slash pairings of any kind are welcomed, as long as the central pairing is between Community characters.

Q: Can I write a gen fic with no pairing?
A: Absolutely.

Q: Content-wise, is there anything that's off limits?
A: Not really. AU, genderswap, mpreg are all permitted. If you have any specific examples please feel free to ask. Adequate warnings must always be given for any content such as rape/non-con, dub-con, incest, character death/suicide or graphic self-harm. If you fail to provide a warning when the drafts are submitted, you will not be eligible for an artist claim.

Q: Can I co-write a fic with a friend?
A: Yes.

Q: Am I allowed to write more than one fic?
A: As long as all fics submitted are over 15,000 words, yes.

Q: Can I sign up as both an author and an artist?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I submit a WIP / Sequel fic I've been working on?
A: You can submit a previously started fic as long as it hasn't been posted publicly elsewhere. You may write a sequel to a previously posted fic.

Q: Can I friendslock my artwork / fanfic?
A: No. You must keep your fic / art free for public viewing. If you don't want to post publicly on your personal account, you can post directly to the community.

Requirements / Deadlines:

Each fic must be a minimum of 15,000 words and must be beta'd before submission.

Writer/Artist signups close - January 31st

First Draft Due - April 27th
Your fic should be completed and over the minimum word count. Your fics don't have to be perfect, beta'd, or ready to be posted on the site at this time. For the deadline, send your fics to our email address, communitybigbang @ gmail.com (without the spaces around the @ sign) so we can ensure you've met the fic requirements.

Artist Claims - April 30th
Artist claims are done on a first come, first served basis. Fic summaries will be posted anonymously in a master post and each artist must claim one fic. Each fic can only be claimed once. If a fic is already claimed, you'll have to choose another fic. Once the artist finishes this artwork and turns it into the moderators, they are welcome to create artwork for a second fic. They must claim this fic.

Posting Schedule released - May 7th

Art due - May 30th

If, as an writer or artist, you think you aren't going to make a deadline, please contact me as soon as possible. Extensions may be given in certain circumstances.

All fics must be beta'd before the final submission. There will be a post for people to offer their beta services.

Posting begins - June 1st

You cannot post your fic anywhere on the internet until the Big Bang challenge is complete and it's your assigned posting date.

You'll need to join the community directly after signing up. When your posting date arrives, you'll have access to post to the community. You can find the posting template here.

Only participants can join the community. Everyone else will need to watch it in order to receive updates. If your name isn't on one of the sign-up posts, your request for membership won't be approved, so be sure to sign-up first and then join the community!

When your posting day arrives, you're allowed to post your fic/art wherever you'd like (on your LJ, this community, your Dreamwidth, etc.) using the template we gave you here

Leave any further questions below or email communitybigbang @ gmail.com (without the spaces around the @ sign)

!modpost, !faq

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