At this point in time, we aren't sure if we're going to be using vote-offs in the community, but we would like the option to do so, if we so choose. Therefore, here are the voting-off guidelines.
- Each Member is to go through the applications on the
Member List. notice how other's contribute to the community, such as voting, the game, and themes. If you feel they no longer belong, then they are the ones you should vote-off.
- Once you've decided on who you'd like to vote off, you must email us ( the following things:
1. your user name
2. the user names of your three choices
3. reason(s) for each person you've chosen to vote off
- The deadline for sending in your Vote Offs will be approximently a week after the date they are annouced in the community. Any Members who have not sent in their Vote Offs at that time will be automatically removed from the community. Members who are currently on excused absence are not required to send in their Vote Offs, but it would be greatly appreciated if they sent them in anyhow. Once we have gotten your email one of us will send you a notification to verify that they have been received.
- Approximately 5-8 will be voted out. These are the members with the most votes, and they will be removed from the community. Along with that announcement will be a list of all Members containing how many votes each person had against them. Upon request we may email you the reason(s) for each vote you received. Under no circumstances will anyone be told WHO voted for them, so don't bother asking.
- We will not be accepting any new applications while we are in the middle of Vote Offs, so for the next week all community activity will be voluntary.
- Anyone who is Voted Off can reapply in two weeks.
- For those of you who have not been in the community long enough to get to know the other Members, you will need to go through everyone's applications and base your votes on those. All applications are linked next to each Members name on the
Member List. - You must provide valid reasons for each of the three people you choose. A few examples of reasons that are not allowed are "Because they gave me a no on my application" or "because they're ugly".
- You can't vote for the Mods. Without us there would be no community. If you have a serious problem with one of the Moderators, or their actions, you can send in a complaint to any of the other Mods and we will handle it, but your choices for Vote Offs can only be other Members. If you vote for one of us, it's a good way to get your ass banned.
(Original concept created by
chamberoffayth, used with permission.)