*`' Name/Location; Tasha-Marie, Colorado
*`' Age/Birthday; 16, Jan, 18 1990
*`' Hobbies/Talents; Hobbies: Tennis, horseback riding, and painting...(I guess you can call these talents too... lol) I also love to sleep, workout, write poems, have fun with friends and my boyfriend... Yeah, typical teenage stuff.
*`' Some Likes; Boys, laughing, candy, running, jokes, some video games, makeup, taking pictures, going on picnics, looking at the stars...
*`' Some Dislikes; sqeaky voices (lol), dark chocolate, cheating and lieing, people who scream, and very loud music... (weird, I know)
*`' Describe yourself in seven words or less; Outgoing, pretty, loving, caring, funny, goofy, trustful
*`' Tell us one thing you like and one thing you dislike about yourself; I like how I like to take on new challenges... whether it be meeting new people, going rock climbing or sky diving, or eatting something new that doesnt look very appetizing but I eat it anyways, lol... What I dont like about myself is that sometimes I can get really nervous. Like doing a presentation by myself in school, I begin to shake and stuff... Never understood why... Im not shy or anything... I guess its just something that happens lol.
*`' What's your most embarrassing moment?; One of my most embarrassing moments was when I went on a first date when a guy in 8th grade. My parents took us to Red Lobster (yum)... On the car ride there my mom started sharing embarrassing moments about me to my date and I turned bright red. He kept laughing at what my mom said and that made things worse. When my mom dropped us off at Red Lobster thats ALL he could talk about. He sat there laughing in my face the whole time... yeah, that was pretty embarrassing.
*`' Five songs & who they are by; Cold, Crossfade. Colors, Crossfade. 45, Shinedown. Mockingbird, Eminem. Waking up, 10 Years... Genes: rock and rap mostly.
*`' Quote/Lyric;"When you love someone, place their name in a circle. Because hearts can break, but circles go on forever." -unknown
*`' Movie{s}; Dumb and Dumber 1+2, Saw 1+2, Half Baked, AeonFlux, Without a Paddle... etc.
*`' Book{s}; Candy, Life In The Fat Lane, Beowulf, and when I was younger I liked the Box Car childrens series, lol.
*`' Childhood toy; Rubber horses and other animals... I loved "farm" stuff. I remember having a big 'ol plastic barn and stuff... <3
*`' Memory; My favorite "memories" have to be family vacations... But for right now, my favorite one was when I started going out with my boyfriend Johnny... Ive been with him for 21 months and its been wonderful... so yeah, getting to know my boyfriend, for sure.
Long Answers... explain your answers as best you can.
*`' If you could take 1 person to dinner {dead or alive} & ask them 5 questions - who would you take & what would you ask?;Probably Chad Micheal Murphy... One, because hes beautiful, and another... He seems like an interesting person... I would ask him 1)who his role models are 2)how life is being a hott movie star 3) does he want any kids/does he want to get married 4)what was his childhood like and 5) just other general questions like what other movies he plans to star in and stuff.
*`' Who is your idol/role model[s] and why?; Probably my mom. She had a very rough childhood. Her parents were into drugs and she lived in a bad neighborhood. She would have to go to skool and fight everyday because people were so jealous of how pretty she was. She went through school having to worry about who was going to jump her next, and so she never really got a good education. She left the house at 16 and got a modeling job... which im very proud of her for doing... She also got a job waitressing when she was 18, so she worked hard to have housing, food, and clothes on her back. Growing up my mom had nothing, until she found my dad. My dad's a very sucuessful man and now my mom has a nice house to live in and food whenever she feels hungry, lol... Shes a good example of someone whose hard working and determined, and no matter what, she alwayz will be. Thats why shes my role model.
*`' What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?; Probably just getting the good grades that I do and keeping strong through all of the rough times in my life. Many people would break down in some of the situations ive been through, but ive held stong. No matter what was/is happening in my house or around me I still manage to keep my grades up and I try my best to stay happy.
*`' What is one thing that you would like to undo from your past if it was possible to have an "un-do" button?; All of the lies Ive told, I wish I could take back... Everything ive done or said to people to make hurt them or to make them feel bad. I look back on those things now and think, what was the point? Theres no reason to hurt people or lie or anything; what does it accomplish? Nothing.
*`' Choose an emotion. What makes you feel that particular emotion?; Happy... Warm weather makes me happy... my family, friends, and boyfriend make me happy... Having the life that I do makes me happy because im satisfied with what I have and who I have in my life.
*`' What's the best advice you've ever received?; To keep my head up, no matter what goes wrong, because if I didnt keep my head up and keep smiling, I would be a weck right now.
*`' What's the best advice you've ever given?; I remember one of my friends wanted to kill themselves once... I stayed up on the phone all night with him letting him know how important he was... How, if he took himself out of this world, he wouldnt only be hurting himself, but he'd be hurting the ones that loved him the most. I let him know that suicide isnt the answer... and that things would get better, sooner or la8er... and I said many other things to help him get through his hard time...
*`' When you were a kid, what did you envision your life would be like when you grew up?; I alwayz wanted to be rich and famous and beautiful. I wanted to live in a huge house and live the lavious, life... Still do.
*`' Where do you want to be 10 years from now?; Probably just getting out of college for whatever profession I choose, starting my new career, finding a guy that I love and feel like I could be like forever... Probably just getting my life fully started on my own, getting into the real world, and accomplishing all my dreams.
*`' Why do you think you are completely beautiful?; Thoughout the years ive learned many lessons... and one of the lessons is that being beautiful inside is the best way to be... For you, and others around you. If your nice and caring and all the other things that make someone beautiful inside, then you'll be happier and the people around you will see what a wonderful person you are (i am)... I think im beautiful outside because im unqiue.. Everyones unqiue in their own way, and I personally just think that im beautiful, plain and simple, lol.
*`' What is something around your community/school that you don't like and what would you do to improve it?; There are a lot of kids that do drugs around my school... and not saying I havent ever, because ive tried them... But a lot of my friends and other people around the school smoke Marry-j everyday, or drink every weekend... And if I could just save a couple of them from doing it so much and indangering themselves so often, thats what I would do.
Opinions... explain your answers.
{remember, everyone may not agree with your opinions, but don't change your answers to reflect popular acceptance, be yourself!
*`' What makes someone beautiful in your opinion & do you believe that inner beauty reflects outside apperance?; Everything about a person makes them beautiful. Their personallity, the way they percieve things, they way they treat themselves and others... All make a person beautiful. And yes, inner beauty can effect how "beautiful" someone is. Example: If somone weighed 500 pounds, was hairly all over and had yellow eyes... I think they could still be beautiful, as long as they were happy with themselves, threated theirselves and others with respect, they could still be beautiful.
*`' What is your opinion on inter-racial relationships?; I believe its fine... Nothing wrong about it at all... We were all placed on this planet and we are all meant to be equal (even though thats never been the case...) In my mind those, we are all equal, so it shouldnt matter if we are white, black, indian, etc...
*`' What is your opinion on teen pregnancy?; I think that if teens are going to have sex they should take every percausion they can NOT to get pregnant... But since it does happen, I think that the teen mom and dad should take responsibilty for their actions... If they werent safe, if they didnt care, well then they should live with the consequences.
*`' What is your opinion on abortion?; I think if someones raped, or wont be able to financially or physically take care of the baby its ok... But if it was just a mistake and they just do it because they arent responsible enough to take care of the kid, its rediculous.
*`' What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?; I find it kind of weird, but nonetheless I think its ok. Just like how straight girls have peferences in men, girls/guys have peferences in other sexes to... I believe your born straight or gay, and no ones going to change how you feel about other people sexually. If you like guys, and your a guy, you cant change that... and so I think marriage among the same sex is fine, you cant help who you love.
*`' What is your opinion on religion?; Im not very religious and I dont know much about it, so I really have no comment, sorry.
*`' What is your opinion on death penalty?; I think the death penalty is used wrongfully sometimes, but I agree that what some people do is extremely wrong and they shouldnt live anymore. If someone goes out and rapes 20 women and then kills them, they dont deserve to live... Some people are wrongfully accused though, and thats the only think that sucks... But life will go on.
*`' What is your opinion on drug use, smoking & alcohol?; I think "experimentation" with somethings is ok... If you drink a couple of times and do drugs once or twice its ok... Abuse is wrong though, people should think before they go and start over using drugs that will adict them. Ciggerettes are gross, and I have no idea why they are legal... Alcohol accounts for 39% of the deaths in the US alone, so I dont know why its legal either... The governments just stupid sometimes....
*`' Where did you hear about us?; I was looking for rating communities and clicked on your link.
*`' What made you apply to this community? It seemed fun/there werent many rules, and then application was fairly easy.
*`' Promote us somewhere, then show us the link {it can be in your own journal};
http://community.livejournal.com/00000000000000e/*`' Post a funny pic, tell a funny story or a joke, just make us laugh, or at least smile ;)
I think my puppy looks pretty funny here: (lol)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/6cce7fcd.jpg Post at least 3 pictures of yourself;
(I posted the pictures in links because they are big and might load slow)
Prom- '06:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/Tasha038.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/TashaAndJohnnyOldProm1.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/Tasha049.jpg Other random pics:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/TashaWFisheyeEffect.jpgOn the right:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/TashaLacyOld.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/TashaStandingWhite.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/Home%20Pictures/Tashaold.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/TushyT/TashaPretty3.jpgMy little sister and me: