Beauty comes from the inside as well as the outside

Aug 19, 2006 04:59

*`' Name/Location; Steph/ Ontario, Canada
*`' Age/Birthday; 17/Nov.21
*`' Hobbies/Talents; snowboarding, skateboarding although im not talented at it, soccer, and i like to read
*`' Some Likes; parties, guys, all of my hobbies..obviously, movies, concerts, i love music, sleep
*`' Some Dislikes; cheaters, liars, homophobia, fights, when it seems ive barely slept and everyone decides to wake me up early, and most of all my brothers gf
*`' Describe yourself in seven words or less; different
*`' Tell us one thing you like and one thing you dislike about yourself; i like my eyes, as for one thing i dislike, im too nice and people tend to take advantage of it
*`' What's your most embarrassing moment?; i cant really pin point one, there are many, im clumsy and i fall alot, usually infront of attractive guys

*`' Five songs & who they are by; Okay i believe you but my tommy gun don't - brand new
beautiful - HIM
santeria - sublime
scar tissue - red hot chili peppers
call me when you're sober - evanescene
*`' Quote/Lyric; be yourself, everyone else is taken
*`' Movie{s}; pulp fiction, JFK, jay and silent bob, a walk to remember, edward scissor hands, blow, the little mermaid
*`' Book{s}; velocity, a child called it, go ask alice, angels and demons
*`' Childhood toy; my little mermaid doll
*`' Memory; my cousin used to live with me and when i was young and scared he'd always give me crazy things like a quarter and tell me it was special and that if i put it under my pillow the monsters would stay away.. i still have it :$

Long Answers... explain your answers as best you can.
*`' If you could take 1 person to dinner {dead or alive} & ask them 5 questions - who would you take & what would you ask?; i'd probably take my grampa who passed away before i was born. And since i never knew him id probably ask simple stuff like what his favourite things were and just everything i could to know as much about him and his life because i never knew him. I'd ask him what my dad was like when he as younger. Basically i cant think of just 5 questions i would ask
*`' Who is your idol/role model[s] and why?; my dad, we dont get along very well but he's everything that id want to be as a person, and its taken me a suprisingly long time to realize it
*`' What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?; hmm probably quitting drugs, to those who have never done them it may not seem a great accomplishment but to me it is, even kno its one of the hardest things ever because it seems that everyone around me does them, but i wont give in
*`' What is one thing that you would like to undo from your past if it was possible to have an "un-do" button?; nothing everything ive done has made me who i am today and i wouldnt change it
*`' Choose an emotion. What makes you feel that particular emotion?; happyness- my friends and family they mean everything to me, they are what makes me happy, without them i dont kno what i would do
*`' What's the best advice you've ever received?; you never kno what u've got until its gone - my babysitter told me that when i was 5 and ive remebered it ever since
*`' What's the best advice you've ever given?; probably whatever doesnt kill you only makes u stronger and that life has happyness and sadness u cant jsut have one u have to take both and when ur sad be strong and kno that happyness will come
*`' When you were a kid, what did you envision your life would be like when you grew up?; i wanted to be a race car driver, so i guess i saw mywself as a race car driver when id grow up lol
*`' Where do you want to be 10 years from now?; i see myself alot of places, a part of me wants to have the whole house in the suburbs with the white picket fence and all that, another part of me wants to have a career where i travel and see the wolrd and 10 years from now id be happy as ever going around the wolrd meeting new people all the time
*`' Why do you think you are completely beautiful?; because everyone is beautiful in there own way, and jsut being myself makes me completly beautiful, as the same goes for everyone
*`' What is something around your community/school that you don't like and what would you do to improve it?; probably the drugs, ive seen so many people abuse them and alot of really bad things happen and if anything id want to be able in someway show people what can happen and make them understand that accidents can happen to anyone at anytime

Opinions... explain your answers.
{remember, everyone may not agree with your opinions, but don't change your answers to reflect popular acceptance, be yourself!
*`' What makes someone beautiful in your opinion & do you believe that inner beauty reflects outside apperance?; i think being able to accept yourself for who u are flaws and all rly makes somone beautiful, if u dont think much of yourself then thats what the world will see
*`' What is your opinion on inter-racial relationships?; i see no problem, we are all people arent we? we all live on the same planet, so what if one persons family comes from another part of the world, race should have no effect on a relationship
*`' What is your opinion on teen pregnancy?; i see it to be no different than adult pregnancy. there are adults who get pregnant and are not stable enough to have or support a child, as are teens. some teens can make it work tho and for them i think why not everyone takes a different path in life,but people who choose to have sex need to be aware of the consequences and prepared to deal with them, at any age
*`' What is your opinion on abortion?; i think if u get pregnant u deal with the consequences, if ur unfit to support a child give it up for adoption there are so many people dying for a baby that cant have one, at the same time asking someone who has been raped to carry a child is wrong and for them abortion should be an option. So really its a tough issue to pick a side on
*`' What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?; its love, u cant help who u love, straight or gay, no matter how much u dont want to love someone u do and thats it, so why not allow two people in love to get married
*`' What is your opinion on religion?; i was raised catholic but i dont believe any one religion is right i think we can take a bit from every religion and learn from it, i think all that matters is that u believe in something
*`' What is your opinion on death penalty?; an eye for an eye and the world goes blind. Killing someone becuase they commited a crime makes the world jsut as bad as the criminal.
*`' What is your opinion on drug use, smoking & alcohol?; i used to do drugs, i dont judge those who do at all but i dont like them, i think alot of people get to caught up in them, but dont get me wrong not everyone goes overboard on them. I used to smoke one day i realised i may as well roll up a 10$ bill and smoke it, it does nothing for a person though i kno..its damn addicting, if someone wants to smoke why not just smoke weed atleast ur getting a high out of it. Alcohol, i like it, i enjoy it, but i dont abuse it.

*`' Where did you hear about us?; randomly looking through communities
*`' What made you apply to this community? seemed like a good one
*`' Promote us somewhere, then show us the link {it can be in your own journal};
*`' Post a funny pic, tell a funny story or a joke, just make us laugh, or at least smile ;)

Post at least 3 pictures of yourself;

my prom

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