*`' Name/Location;Kaitlin/Boise Idaho but recently moved to Seattle
*`' Age/Birthday;19/November 2nd 1988
*`' Hobbies/Talents;electronica music, art, photography
*`' Some Likes;people with open minds, animals, unique fashion sense, and anything from the 80s
*`' Some Dislikes;superficiality, mean people, the G.O.P., and Kanye West
*`' Describe yourself in seven words or less;tiny, kind, compassionate, vegan, girl
*`' Tell us one thing you like and one thing you dislike about yourself;I'm determined which I suppose is a good thing but I wish I was more confident
*`' What's your most embarrassing moment?;One time I farted really loud in a K-Mart and everyone around me turned and looked
*`' Five songs & who they are by;Air War by Crystal Castles, While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles, This Loneliness by El Perro Del Mar, Remind Me by Royksopp, 2:45 AM by Elliot Smith
*`' Quote/Lyric;
"The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness."
*`' Movie{s};The Godfather, Spinal Tap, Wayne's World (1 and 2), The Life Aquatic, Amelie, any Mystery Science Theatres but especially Manos The Hands Of Fate
*`' Book{s};Heart Of Darkness, Salem's Lot, The Shining, Wild Swans, My Antonia, Brave New World, Animal Farm
*`' Childhood toy;A pink jacket I had that I pretended the sleeves to be my pet snakes. Yes, I'm weird.
*`' Memory;walking from my grandparent's house in Florida to the grocery store to buy candy
Long Answers... explain your answers as best you can.
*`' If you could take 1 person to dinner {dead or alive} & ask them 5 questions - who would you take & what would you ask?;I would choose to have dinner with God and my questions would be,
Is there really only one correct religion to follow?
Is there an afterlife?
Why (if you're supreme in nature) have you allowed so much death and war in your name?
Who's your favorite person to hang out with?
Is John Lennon a huge asshole in heaven too?
*`' Who is your idol/role model[s] and why?;I love Alice Fawn from Crystal Castles because she's hot and I got to make out with her, Mother Theresa for obvious reasons, and Janis Joplin because that girl kicked ass
*`' What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?;getting through Junior High without killing myself
*`' What is one thing that you would like to undo from your past if it was possible to have an "un-do" button?;I wish I could go back and have said goodbye to my grandpa before he died
*`' Choose an emotion. What makes you feel that particular emotion?;pensive/when I watch a thought provoking movie or listen to a great song and become really creative
*`' What's the best advice you've ever received?;To enjoy my youth and childhood and not get too caught up in worrying because before I know it, those times will be gone.
*`' What's the best advice you've ever given?;I think that would depend on someone else's opinion
*`' When you were a kid, what did you envision your life would be like when you grew up?;I thought I was going to be a marine biologist and discover the first live giant squid. Haha,
*`' Where do you want to be 10 years from now?;Hopefully pursuing a psychology degree
*`' Why do you think you are completely beautiful?;Because there really is more to me than just my outer shell and I'm always trying my best to become a better person with more to give to the world.
*`' What is something around your community/school that you don't like and what would you do to improve it?;I really hate how many stray cats and dogs there are and someday I'd love to build a non-profit sanctuary for them. I think animals are much too often overlooked on how much they suffer in this world.
Opinions... explain your answers.
{remember, everyone may not agree with your opinions, but don't change your answers to reflect popular acceptance, be yourself!
*`' What makes someone beautiful in your opinion & do you believe that inner beauty reflects outside appearance?;I think that beauty comes from someone's true unique individuality and kind heart. And yes, I believe that that can always show on the outside appearance of someone as well.
*`' What is your opinion on inter-racial relationships?;Yes, I think it's completely backwards to not.
*`' What is your opinion on teen pregnancy?;It' completely situational.
*`' What is your opinion on abortion?;Again, situational. But I agree with any conservative notions of making it illegal in certain states. That's ignoring the whole problem.
*`' What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?;Completely
*`' What is your opinion on religion?;I think religion is incredibly interesting and nurtures the soul if used in the right way. I was raised with a Buddhist background.
*`' What is your opinion on death penalty?;No no no, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
*`' What is your opinion on drug use, smoking & alcohol?;It's an individuals choice and I can't judge anyone else since I've done drugs myself.
*`' Where did you hear about us?;I found you on lj
*`' What made you apply to this community?I liked the idea of complete beauty, not just looks
*`' Promote us somewhere, then show us the link {it can be in your own journal};-
*`' Post a funny pic, tell a funny story or a joke, just make us laugh, or at least smile ;)
That's my crazy assed pug Iris playing with another dog
Post at least 3 pictures of yourself;