Beauty Comes From the Inside as Well as the Outside

Aug 09, 2007 11:54

*`' Name/Location; Kerri/Massachusetts
*`' Age/Birthday; 19/ June 9th
*`' Hobbies/Talents; Writing, photography, reading, partying when the time is right.
*`' Some Likes; Sunsets, sleep, animals, networking.
*`' Some Dislikes; People who allow themselves to be stereotyped, burnt toast, steak, being alone for long periods of time.
*`' Describe yourself in seven words or less; Sense of Humor.
*`' Tell us one thing you like and one thing you dislike about yourself; I like my strength and independence, and I don't like my social anxiety.
*`' What's your most embarrassing moment?; I don't get embarrassed very easily.

*`' Five songs & who they are by;
1. "Kashmir" - Led Zeppelin
2. "The Show Must Go On" -Queen
3. "You Only Live Once" -The Strokes
4. "The Pot" -Tool
5. "Blinded By the Light" -Manfred Mann.
*`' Quote/Lyric;
"If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you."
--Pablo Neruda
*`' Movie{s}; 300, Transformers, Allll Harry Potters, Click.
*`' Book{s}; Harry Potters! "Parable of the Sower" -Octavia E. Butler. "She's Come Undone" -Wally Lamb
*`' Childhood toy; Sit n spin!
*`' Memory; Playing Capture the Flag with my friends at my favorite place in the world late at night. This happened last summer every single Saturday! :)

Long Answers... explain your answers as best you can.
*`' If you could take 1 person to dinner {dead or alive} & ask them 5 questions - who would you take & what would you ask?;
I would take my grandmother [still alive], Mildred. I would ask her:
1) What type of student were you?
2) Did you ever have a serious job/calling?
3) What happened with your husband before my grandfather?
4) Tell me one thing from your life that taught you something.
5) What is one thing you can advise me to do/not to do in my lifetime, that you learned in yours.
*`' Who is your idol/role model[s] and why?; Every person that I've met had influenced me in some way. From small ways to huge ways. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for all those people I've encountered. But I think top on that list of "who has influenced me" is my family. Specifically, my mother. She taught me everything she knows, and I admire her for that. She's a beautiful woman with a heart of gold and I just love her! I really do.
*`' What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?; The amount that I have written in notebooks/loose papers/binders/etc really is an accomplishment. I've been writing for 6 years and I've got some seriously good stuff, along with the seriously "meh" stuff. I just hope that as life goes on I continue to write and I can leave all of my stuff behind as my legacy.
*`' What is one thing that you would like to undo from your past if it was possible to have an "un-do" button?; Well, it's not really something in my power, but I would "un-do" my cousin's daughters' death. She was born at 22 weeks, and was a pound and 4 ounces. She struggled for 12 days until the doctors finally said "It's not a matter of if we take her life support anymore, it's a matter of when." I wish she would have lived and been healthy. My cousin needed her.
*`' Choose an emotion. What makes you feel that particular emotion?;
Content - I feel content when I am here:

With a notebook in my lap, pen in my right hand, cigarette in my left, and the sun beating down on me in a polite way.
*`' What's the best advice you've ever received?;
"Be patient. Love takes time." -My Great Aunt Theresa, the smartest woman aliiiive.
*`' What's the best advice you've ever given?;
"Love is circumstantial. You can't force it."
*`' When you were a kid, what did you envision your life would be like when you grew up?; I never ever thought about money. I always thought making money would be easy. And I thought I'd drive a newer car. And I thought I'd be prettier and less insecure.
*`' Where do you want to be 10 years from now?; I'm hoping by the time I'm 29 I will be settled wherever my job takes me. I want to be a lab psychologist, with a side job of a parapsychologist. Hopefully by them I'll have a house and a child or two. Maybe a couple pets. And maybe a husband or wife. I try not to set outstanding goals for myself. I just want to live life and have fun doing it!
*`' Why do you think you are completely beautiful?; Because I'm a human being that longs for culture and really admires her own thought processes. I have a great sense of humor and am almost always smiling. I think those things in combination make me beautiful.
*`' What is something around your community/school that you don't like and what would you do to improve it?; The people that run my town are all conservative quacks, whereas the majority of the town is more moderate to liberal. They don't represent the town at all. I'd love to get other candidates up for my small town's politics. Maybe they could get the cost of living down by adding some sort of franchise. We have the room, we're just not utilizing it.

Opinions... explain your answers.
{remember, everyone may not agree with your opinions, but don't change your answers to reflect popular acceptance, be yourself!
*`' What makes someone beautiful in your opinion & do you believe that inner beauty reflects outside apperance?; First off, what makes someone beautiful? Intelligence, a warm friendly attitude, and a sense of humor. I don't believe inner beauty reflects outside appearance, I think confidence reflects on the outside greatly. Someone who is moderately attractive can really make themself beautiful by just standing up straight and believing in themself.
*`' What is your opinion on inter-racial relationships?; I think love comes in any gender, race, culture, and skin. If you love someone, you love them. Simple as that.
*`' What is your opinion on teen pregnancy?; When my cousin got pregnant, she was 18. She had Eddison when she was 19 and a couple weeks. As much as we were shocked, we know that she could handle having a baby. I have known her since birth and she's been my best friend since then and I know she can handle it. She's so much more mature, and she's been waiting to have a baby since she WAS a baby! Now she's pregnant again and we know she'll be alright, as long as there aren't any complications. It's a big choice but I definitely think some teenagers can handle having babies. Those that can't, should wear protection. As far as rape cases go, it's unfortunate but the woman has the ultimate choice of whether to keep it, give it up for adoption, or abort the pregnancy.
*`' What is your opinion on abortion?; I don't support it. But at the same time, like my previous answer, it's up the to the woman in question. After my cousin's daughters' death, I couldn't imagine having an abortion. I wouldn't. But for other people it's different. If they're raped, and never asked for the pregnancy, they should have the oppurtunity to abort it.
*`' What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?; Loooooveee ittttt. I'm bi-sexual and live in massachusetts. I feel really free to date and marry whoever I want. I think it should be legalized in the 49 other states. It's just sad to think that in today's society, only one state out of fifty would allow and respect the legal marriage standards for gays and lesbians.
*`' What is your opinion on religion?; I hate religion. I always have. Religion, to me, is what causes the majority of wars and the majority of executions in the world. I would think with the amount of scientific advances we've made in the past 100 years, and the discoveries we've found, that more people would wake up to the fact that what they are believing in is merely oral tradition. My small town has 2,000 people living in it, and I think 5 or 6 churches. All Catholic. I prefer my philosophy of not knowing what's after death and just living my life how I want to and enjoying it while I can.
*`' What is your opinion on death penalty?; I hate the death penalty. I think anyone that has committed as a serial killer obviously has something wrong in their head and should be helped psychologically rather than just sentenced to death. Every human being deserves life no matter what they've done, including denying someone else the same chance. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" -Gandhi.
*`' What is your opinion on drug use, smoking & alcohol?; I smoke marijuana. I smoke cigarettes. And on occasion I do drink, too. This doesn't make me a bad person. I don't do any other drugs. The things I do are merely to help enjoy my life and live it how I want. The marijuana keeps me sane, the cigarettes are somehow affiliated with my writing in my head, and the drinking is just what college kids do! I'm sure it's all a phase and I'll come out of it with my head on a different way, but for now, I'll just enjoy it.

*`' Where did you hear about us?; I clicked rating as an interest and checked out the communities that came up.
*`' What made you apply to this community? I think it looks like a nice community. Reasonable rules to follow. Should be fun.
*`' Promote us somewhere, then show us the link {it can be in your own journal};
*`' Post a funny pic, tell a funny story or a joke, just make us laugh, or at least smile ;)

I found this when driving one day. I was cracking up.

Post at least 3 pictures of yourself;

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