beauty comes from the inside as well as the outside

Jan 30, 2008 12:17

Name/Location; Morgan / Clarkston, MI
Age/Birthday; 20 / 08-31-1987
Hobbies/Talents; My boyfriend has recently gotten me into working out, other than that I spend most of my time chasing my son around the house, watching blues clues, and [in the summer] taking him to the park at least 4 days a week.
Some Likes; Body mods, exact change, public displays of affection, the smell of sawdust, getting up early, going to bed late, people who don’t judge you based on appearance, open-mindedness
Some Dislikes; People who don’t use their blinker, mayonnaise, people who smoke around kids [especially in the car], Girls who claim to be bi because they think it makes guys think they are cool but when it comes right down to it they’ll only make out with another girl, that just makes you a kissing slut not bi, and people who assume my son has a horrible life because his mom and her boyfriend have tattoos and piercings and don’t look like your “typical” parents.
Describe yourself in seven words or less; Blunt, goofy, emotional, caring, bitchy, determined.
Tell us one thing you like and one thing you dislike about yourself; Physically I love my eyes, but I hate my tummy.
What's your most embarrassing moment?; haha, I don’t get embarrassed very easily but this definitely turned me red.
The first time I met my ex’s mom I had just gotten my first tattoo and the guy who did it told me to put Vaseline on it, well we only had the jumbo size tub of Vaseline at my house so I just grabbed it an ran out the door when Chris came to pick me up. I walked in his moms house with this huge tube of Vaseline and his mom just looks from me to her son and goes “Well at least she brings her own lube.” I was SOOOO embarrassed, I think I literally turned bright red.

Five songs & who they are by;
1] Dirty Business - The Dresden Dolls
2] The Bleeding - Five Finger Death Punch
3] Prayers - In This Moment
4] Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
5] Scarlet Begonias - Sublime
Quote/Lyric; “They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself.”
Movie{s}; Anything with Pauly Shore in it, Fight Club, Hot Rob, Superbad, Boondock Saints, Trainspotting, Shoot ‘em Up, Smokin Aces, I’m sure there is about a billion more I just can’t think of them.
Book{s}; All of the Harry Potter Books, Any Chuck Palahniuk book.
Childhood toy; GI Joes. [I was a weird little girl]
Memory; Every summer I’ve ever had. It seems like every summer my friends and I have different traditions, we’ve never done the same thing every summer in a row, yet every summer we do pretty much the same thing every day. Its even more fun now that I get to take my boy to the park and outside and watch him explore and discover new things.

Long Answers... explain your answers as best you can.
If you could take 1 person to dinner {dead or alive} & ask them 5 questions - who would you take & what would you ask?;
George Bush
1] did you really have any substantial reason’s for going into Iraq?
2] why start a war with no prospects of when its going to end?
3] why send in just enough troops to die but not enough to win?
4] how do you sleep at nigh knowing the kind of danger you put other peoples loved one in?
5] boxers or briefs?
Who is your idol/role model[s] and why?; Nobody. I don’t look up to people, I look at them. Every person I have ever held in high regard as a role model has let me down so I stopped trying to look up to other people. Anything I want in life I’m going to have to go after 110%, idolizing someone else isn’t going to help me get what I want.
What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?; My son. His father left us when he was four months old, and has dipped in and out of Alexander’s life ever since. However I have managed to work full time, go to school full time, provide him with an actual home, good food, everything he could possibly need and he still gets all of my attention. Even if it means staying up all night to finish a paper or get the house clean between the time we get home for the night and the time he goes to bed that’s me and him time, because I know he’s going to wonder when he gets older why his dad never wanted to be around [and that is exactly the case because I have given him the luxury of seeing his son as much as he wants, he just never wants to] and I do not ever want him to have to wonder about me and where my feelings about him stand. I don’t want to try to buy his love like my parents did me, I will be the parent that he knows he can go to when he has a problem. And for doing it on my own so far I think I’ve done pretty well. I don’t know many 2 year olds that can count to 10, say their ABC’s [with some help] say please and thank you all the time, he’s pretty much just as advanced as any 3 year old I’ve ever met. I’d say that’s a damn good accomplishment.
What is one thing that you would like to undo from your past if it was possible to have an "un-do" button?; Nothing. Everything I have done got me to where I am now, and I couldn’t be any happier with my life.
Choose an emotion. What makes you feel that particular emotion?; Pure love & happiness.

What's the best advice you've ever received?; “The only person you’ve got to rely on is yourself, you can’t rely on anybody else”
What's the best advice you've ever given?; I’m really horrible at giving advice because I have a tendency to be way to blunt and to the point so I usually just have to keep my mouth shut. I’m the friend that will just sit there and hold you while you cry.
When you were a kid, what did you envision your life would be like when you grew up?; I thought I was gonna be famous. Haha I was mistaken.
Where do you want to be 10 years from now?; Happy, financially set, I would like to be living somewhere that is warm eyar round but I am not sure that will happen considering I can’t leave my job.
Why do you think you are completely beautiful?; because I’m a survivor, I have gone through a lot of horrible things and while at the time I was dealing with them I let them affect me, I have over come those things and actually manage to have an even more positive outlook on my life than I ever did before.
What is something around your community/school that you don't like and what would you do to improve it?; Everybody in my town is fake, all they care about is the drama, and if there isn’t any they will for sure create some. I’m not just talking about the kids either, the older people are like that as well. And that is an ailment that can’t be cured, nothing can improve morons with nothing better to do.

Opinions... explain your answers.
{remember, everyone may not agree with your opinions, but don't change your answers to reflect popular acceptance, be yourself!
What makes someone beautiful in your opinion & do you believe that inner beauty reflects outside appearance?; I absolutely believe the inner beauty reflects on the outside, I have met some gorgeous gorgeous people who within about 10 minutes of talking to that person were suddenly ugly to me because they were horrible people. I think the confidence is beauty, compassion is beauty, honesty is beauty, and if you have good looks to go along with it, well that just makes you one terrific package.
What is your opinion on inter-racial relationships?; I don’t really have an opinion on it, why does it matter. The color of your skin is the color of your skin, that doesn’t change who you are as a person. And if you truly connect with somebody skin color shouldn’t matter. My boyfriend could be bright orange and I’d still love him just as much as I do now.
What is your opinion on teen pregnancy?; It is what it is, if kids aren’t willing to take on the responsibility of having a child then they don’t need to be having sex. However most do and they think oh it will never happen to me, their young and dumb and the ones that say that are the ones it will happen to. It all just depends on if they can step up to the plate and handle the decisions they have decided to make.
What is your opinion on abortion?; I’m 100% pro-choice. I personally would never be able to live with myself if I had an abortion. But I do have a few friends that have had them and even I will admit that it was probably the right choice for them to make. Do I agree with their decision not at all, ever child deserves a chance, but if the mother isn’t willing to do it than she’s not and ultimately it is up to her.
What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?; About the same as my opinion on interracial-relationship. I am bi [not that stupid little kissy slut bi, actually bi] and if I were to fall in love with a women it would be no different to me than falling in love with a man. Its all about how you connect with a person and who are we to tell 2 women or 2 men no you don’t deserve to be married because your what? Out of the ordinary. Fuck that.
What is your opinion on religion?; I’m opinion less on religion. If your religious that’s cool keep it to yourself, I’m not. I’m a little skeptical about placing 100% of my faith in an entity that I cannot see.
What is your opinion on death penalty?; I’m all for it. Plain and simple.
What is your opinion on drug use, smoking & alcohol?; I’ve been a drug addict, I’ve been an alcoholic, and I just recently quit smoking. They are all horrible horrible things, but kids get bored and they want to explore, and they are going to, and there isn’t much you can do about it. Yeah you can tell kids no don’t do drugs all you want, and you can warn them about how bad they are for you, and they are gonna think well damn if they are so bad for me than it must be fun or people wouldn’t be doing it.

Where did you hear about us?; I searched rating in the interests.
What made you apply to this community? it seems fun and active, I hate inactive boring communities.
Promote us somewhere, then show us the link {it can be in your own journal}; where are the bannes to use when promoting? I couldn’t find them, let me know and I will promote a.s.a.p.
Post a funny pic, tell a funny story or a joke, just make us laugh, or at least smile ;)
I’m sure everybody has seen this 9 million times but every time I see it I crack up. Sry if you don’t, but I think its funny.

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