Title: Hunter and Prey
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Van + Sync.
Rating: PG
Comment: Oh, Sync. First time writing something about him. It's short and sounds more like poetry, but WELL.
Tomorrow I shall go on with Largo |'D
Vandesdelca was an angel without wings, an ambitious eagle chained to the surface of Auldrant. The Score and Humanity had bound him, the Order, Malkuthians, Kimlascan, made him a weapon, silenced him, misused him and tried to break his spirit....
But they failed, they all failed. Vandesdelca might be caught on the ground, but still, he was not broken. He was not yet broken.
Unlike Van, Sync was no angel at all. He was merely the copy of one, copy of the greatest Fon Master (accourding to the Commandant, after all), a useless piece of trash that can be exchanged as soon as it was not needed anymore.
But, still, also unlike Van, Sync still had his wings. Alas, he was no eagle; merely a hawk, rather a sparrow. But he had the ability to be free, to be fast, to be anywhere he wanted to, not watched, of no values for others and unattended by the Score. His mind and his spirit was unbroken, and although he considered himself worthless, he was doing alright in life. He was in a state that could be called 'happy' by anyone, except for himself.
Sync the Tempest was never happy.
Could a sparrow be of use for someone as outstanding as a wingless angel? It would not seem so. But the people say that even a butterfly could start a typhoon, and Van was sure that this little bird with face and voice of a Fon Master and violence and aggression of a street rat could prove itself quite worthy.