Title: Candy floss
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Van, Asch
Rating: G
Comment: Pre-game-setting. Asch is around 12 here. Also, CRACK.
Also, it's very short. Tomorrow's will be longer, but I'm unwell and too tired today =/
"It's not that far anymore. Hang in there, Asch. Don't give up yet."
Van's footsteps were strong and fast and as swift as possible while carrying a child on his back. He felt Asch's far too cold little body close to his, the thin arms wrapped around his neck, the face buried in his unruly hair, legs dangling left and right from his broad chest.
"Listen to me. Don't give up. Get a hold of yourself."
"Master..", Asch wailed with a weak tone, "I'm so tired...."
"Don't sleep now!", Van said again, this time a little stronger, a little more empathized.. "You can sleep as soon as we have returned to the basis."
Normally, he would be angry at the boy. Would tell him about all his faults, about every single one, until Asch would sob and beg for forgiveness. But this time, having the bleeding young man on his back, Van did not feel like yelling or talking about wrong decisions.
He was worried. Asch was still far too weak for his own good.
"Think of something you like, Asch.", the Commandant suddenly said. 'It might help forget about the pain.', he mentally added
"I... I'm thinking of.... - candy floss."
Van nearly froze in his rhythm, skipped a step, almost tumbled.
"Your hair!" Aschs Voice was just a whisper, just barely audible. "It's so... fluffy. And looks like candy floss... I ... liked that when I was younger...."
If the situation hadn't been so tense, Van would have started laughing. He could gladly behave himself and swallowed the sound, trying to use his most convincing tone.
"Listen to me, Asch. As soon as we get home, and as soon as your wounds are healed, I will buy you as much candy floss as you like. Okay?"
"Okay, Asch?"
"....Promised.... master?"
He sighed, softly. "Promised."
His mind, nevertheless, added something differently: 'cut your hair. Do something about your "candy-like" appearance.'