Title: Eliminating Angel
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Van, Luke
Rating: MA, dark themes, intense violence.
Other: Yes, not a good day for me, obviously.
OH, and yes. I stole the title again XD woe me.
He awoke to the sound of his own raging heartbeat. No, his mind wailed, it was so warm under my blanket.... As if to a command, his eyes snapped open. Warm... There was something wet, running across his body, and he tried to focus. Focus. His mind was fogged.
Slowly, oh-so-slowly, everything got clearer... but he immediately wished it wasn't.
The warm fluid was blood, and the "blanket" covering him was a corpse. A familiar, blonde corpse with a soft face, parted lips, like he was sleeping...
"Guy, wake up! Guy, please!"
...no, no-one could sleep with his body cut open like this, with his blood everywhere except for his own veins....
"So, you are awake."
Cold. So damn cold. The voice suddenly occuring behind him made him freeze, made him lose his breath, made his heartbeat stop. He turned around, away from his dead friend, away from the death surrounding him, just to face another kind of death, a living nightmare, his nightmare. There he stood, his former teacher, covered in red, an icy smile on his lips that are twisted in cruelty. Hair open, long, longer than he remembered, sword in hand, wings folded...
wait, wings...?
"So this is the time." Van cooed, stepping nearer. He spread the black blades on his back, slightly waving them in the hot air, breathing in, breathing out, coming closer, closer....
The boy wanted to scream, to yell, but he could not. He was frozen, frozen by those eyes, eyes that had possibly seen destruction far worse than this. Hands caught his collar, dragged him onto his feet, and he smelled the blood, blood on the hand that killed his sister, killed his master, almost killed a child, his child.... -
He was caught, and he was lifted. He lost the ground under his feet and found himself staring straight into the cold orbs, not feeling anything else than their intense stare and a strange feeling in his stomach...
Seconds later, he realised that he was flying.
In the arms of a monster.
"See!", Van cried, and his voice was louder than the wind surrounding them, louder than the heavy beating of his gigantic black wings and louder than the boy's heart - "See, this damned world that is about to collapse! The world that will be reborn oh-so-soon, as soon as every obedient slave of the Score is dead!"
No, that's so wrong!
He opened his eyes.
You cannot do that!
Below them was the sea,a dark and stormy sea. He gulped. They were high, so high... Too damn high...
It is madness!!
But his only choice.
It is useless!
But his only way.
He tightened his grip around something, a little small cold something he had in his left hand, all the while, as if it was his dear life, everything leaft for him, now that he was the last...
It is madness!, his mind repeated, but this time, he did not listen. This moment, he had made up his mind. He had made a decision. Maybe for the first time, he was sure.
"You are wrong!", he yelled back, and the little something shone in the ice-cold moonlight. "You are absolutely wrong, and I won't let that happen!"
And then, he acted. He just held onto his something and crashed it through feathers and fabric and skin, tearing a scream from his masters lips, a rough and violent and PAINFUL scream. He did not stop, he digged the knife deeper and deeper, eventually cutting nerves, drowning his fingers in a sea of hot red liquid.
He stared into the eyes. Again. They were unblinking, calm, incredibly calm though filled with pain.
And in that second, he knew that he was wrong.
"....every slave of the Score is dead..."
A smile enlit the blood-red lips of Van, who just closed his eyes, breathing out for a last time. One last time, relieved - and free.
He, the boy, himself, had made his masters wish come true. He killed the last human.
The last human.
The last thing he felt as he fell down, closer and closer to the horrible black sea beneath, was a feeling of guilt. And unbearable sadness.
After all, they lost.