It's a lot of playing around, and searching SXC for the right pictures. I've got wayyy too many stock pictures saved on my harddrive in the hope that they'll be useful one day. Other than that it's lots of textures...and time, heh.
Oh, those wallpapers are gorgeous, expecially the Gallifrey one. :)
As for Rose sitting down... I used to play this game for friends who'd make vids. *g*
There's a scene in Rose, about 8 minutes in, but it might be hard to grab a cap from that. And then there's the scene between Rose and the Doctor in 'The End of the World', about 16 minutes in (with a really nice pose at about 17 and a half minutes). There's a scene 3 minutes in during Aliens of London, though her feet have been cut off, and then again when they're on the roof at about 5 minutes. Skipping through to s2, there's a scene in Rise of the Cyberman, about 15 minutes in. I've seen her sitting in a few places in The Idiot's Lantern. And then there's The Impossible Planet, about 23 minutes in. Mostly they're over head shots though, so I don't know if that's much help.
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Thank you so much!
It's a lot of playing around, and searching SXC for the right pictures. I've got wayyy too many stock pictures saved on my harddrive in the hope that they'll be useful one day. Other than that it's lots of textures...and time, heh.
As for Rose sitting down... I used to play this game for friends who'd make vids. *g*
There's a scene in Rose, about 8 minutes in, but it might be hard to grab a cap from that. And then there's the scene between Rose and the Doctor in 'The End of the World', about 16 minutes in (with a really nice pose at about 17 and a half minutes). There's a scene 3 minutes in during Aliens of London, though her feet have been cut off, and then again when they're on the roof at about 5 minutes. Skipping through to s2, there's a scene in Rise of the Cyberman, about 15 minutes in. I've seen her sitting in a few places in The Idiot's Lantern. And then there's The Impossible Planet, about 23 minutes in. Mostly they're over head shots though, so I don't know if that's much help.
I'm glad you like them, and these scenes are perfect. You are amazing! I've got some searching to do this afternoon :D
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