OOC: Damned Character Interactions

Dec 03, 2011 20:30

In Person
Peter Parker - As the first person Loki met, Peter has left a shockingly good impression on Loki. He's very clever and sarcastic, qualities that Loki finds laudable, and also values scholarly pursuits. After the week he'd been having prior to ending up at the Institute, Peter seems like a breath of fresh air. And of course, we can't forget that Peter will forever be known in Loki's head as 'little syrup face,' a nickname accompanied by a mental cheek pinch. He would make an adorable pet.

Soma Peries - Solemn to the point of being stern, driven and organized. Will be quite useful as long as he stays on her good side, could be annoying if he doesn't. But Loki actually wants to stay on Soma's good side because he feels an odd sort of kinship with her. Something about feeling like a puppet, knowing that you were created (in a way) to fulfill someone else's designs.

Nakatsuka Tsubaki - She seems sweet. Very sweet. Tooth-meltingly sweet, if we're being honest. This is a useful quality to have, but also means some careful handling and maintenance may be required. More importantly she's been at the institute for an unusually long period of time, which makes her a mine from which information can be extracted as needed.

Rita Mordio - She wants to talk about magic and math. It may be love. Nerdy, weird love. And she knows more about the real Loki than anyone else at the Institute, whether she realizes it or no.

Lust - Only known via the bulletin board so far, but she was a lot of fun to flirt with. And even gods like having their... egos... stroked on occasion.

Aidou - (Note: does not actually know Aidou by name.) Overly sensitive and rather childish without the drawback of being overtly crazy. Could be entertaining.

Grell - Apparently psychotic and has large, bright-red danger buttons that are easily pushed. Good for cheap entertainment, but definitely best avoided in person.

England - Called Loki a "bloody Norseman," which has earned him a special place in Loki's heart. Take that however you will.

Rainbow Dash - A sparkly, adorable chew toy.
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