ok, this is super weird. i mean, not that weird, just...odd to realise.
ok, so, i've realised that my mom ships gwen/jack and i ship janto (not that me shipping janto or her shipping gwack --gwen/jack? jaen?-- anyway, not that me shipping janto or her shipping whatever gwen/jack is called is odd). it's just a. weird to think of your mom as shipping something and b. weird to realise she ships the pairing opposite you. i mean...what? it'd be like -- like my mom shipping lupin/tonks (which she probably would) or...dean/random chick from supernatural episode or, or, umm....the doctor/rose (again, which she probably does). it's just really fucking weird, is all, to realise your mom ships people. i mean...ehhh.
anyway, that's my oddity. feel free to post with your own or how you would feel about this if it was your mother/father. OH MY JESUS, my DAD? that would strange. and awkward. because every time jack and ianto did janto-ey things, i'd be all "HAH!" in my head and he's just be awkward. oh, god, i hope my dad never watches torchwood with me. oh, and, umm, when's the exact date for the third season of Torchwood on BBCA? or is it the same as BBC One? that doesn't seem likely. anyway, yes. THIRD SEASON IS GONNA PWNN. PWN I SAY. but...i don't want Gwen to die. I hope she doesn't. i also was happy with that little janto-ey thing they threw in the trailer. i had to go back and make sure of what i was seeing. and, just in case it does happen, i hope Gwen isn't a douche bag in the third season. i think i'll actually start to like her in series 3, and i don't want her to be douchey.
umm...anyway, this is over now. haha.