5 Times Jim Tried To Blow Off Treatment From Bones, and the 1 Time He Admitted that He Needed Him

Nov 28, 2009 18:56

Title: 5 Times Jim Tried To Blow Off Treatment From Bones, and the 1 Time He Admitted that He Needed Him
Rating: PG-13? A few curse words.
Pairings: Slight allusions to Kirk/Bones, mentions of Kirk having a crush on Spock
Warnings: Um. I wrote it. Don't expect amazing literature.
Word Count: 1,167
Summery: See title because I'm a lazy biitch.


"No, really Bones, it's just a scratch. I don't - whatever you want to do or need to do or whatever, I don't need it. I'm fine." Jim puts on a brave face, a huge, toothy grin. Anything to avoid being on the receiving end of a hypospray ever again. He really should know by now that Leonard won't fall for it. Ever.
"Just a scr-Jim. Two of your fingers are almost completely severed! You'll be damn lucky if I can get them fully attached with limited use!" Leonard is growling by the end of his tirade (at least, that is how Jim views anything against him that's longer than a few syllables). The captain begrudgingly allows himself to be led to the sickbay, grumbling the entire way that he's fine, it was two fingers, and honestly, Bones, he doesn't need to be babied.


When Jim comes back from another mission with his shirt torn (typical, Leonard thinks), and several deep lacerations over his ribs, Leonard is anything but surprised. He knows he should just be ready to confine Jim to a biobed for the next few days (at the least) whenever he plans to beam back up. He also knows that whenever Jim is hurt, he'll try to brush Leonard off, tell him he's fine, which everyone knows is a lie.
"Bones, I'll be fine. It's just a few cuts and bruises."
"Try three cuts that could easily have you dead if we don't get you fixed up." Leonard was neither ready to fight Jim, nor was he in the mood for it, so he simply manhandled him to the sickbay, despite Jim's complaining; he'd thank him for it later.


Leonard is suspicious when his best friend Jim-The-Walking-Disaster comes back from an away mission on a particularly unknown, unexplored and generally dangerous planet with not a scratch on him. He narrows his eyes as Jim staggers over to him and opens his mouth.
"Um. I'll be fine. Can I just sleep? I'm really...tired. And I'm dizzy. I just want to sit down and sleep and -" Jim is cut off as he doubles over and vomits on the transporter room floor. Leonard has no words and just helps Jim to the sickbay, keeping him conscious.


"Boones. Why're there, like, a million tiny little lights in front of my face?" Jim asks the question in a childish tone, with childish inflection and waving his hands in front of his face childishly in a childish attempt to get rid of the flashing lights. Leonard sighs deeply, wonders vaguely why the hell he puts up with Captain I-Need-To-Fight-Everything-In-The-Known-Universe-And-Also-Get-My-Ass-Kicked-By-Everything-In-The-Known-Universe, and then he glares at said Captain.

"You'll be the death of me, Jim." He grumbles in, Jim thinks, a very, very Bones-like manner. But then he comes at Jim with a hypospray intending, clearly, to inject him with a sedative or something that'll get Jim to the sickbay with minimal fight.
"Oh. Oh, no." Jim stumbles in an attempt to get away from the pokey needle that causes him so much pain (no, really, it's ridiculous). Unfortunately, Leonard has legs that work, but they don't work quickly because Jim is soon flat on his face with blood pouring from his nose.
"Boneds...my nodse hurds." He manages out before putting a hand to his face. When he sees the blood, he sighs. Leonard finally gets Jim with his hypospray and has the captain in his sickbay soon enough with bandages on his nose and a painkiller in his hands.


This, Leonard decides, is the last straw. He'll patch Jim up, give him painkillers, sedatives, vaccines (when he's not fucking allergic to them), anything he can. He will not, however, take care of fifteen-year-old Jim Kirk. Especially not when said Jim spends his time equally split between nervously reciting nerdy come-ons aimed at Leonard (who, Leonard stresses to the kid, is twice his age) and following Spock around like he hung the moon. Let's repeat that: Jim Kirk - Captain Slutbag Extraordinaire - apparently was into logical, stuck-up men with bowl-cuts and pointy ears and green blood. And it's not jealousy because Leonard can totally use this to get back at Jim for years and years and years of him being in a new bed every night.

"Dr. McCoy, I'm fine. Really, I don't mind being fifteen, it's not so bad. I mean, especially since I don't have deal with Frank anymore...." Jim trails off, looking scared with wide blue eyes and, goddamn, the kid's so young and Leonard tells himself that those eyes should not be as much of a turn-on as they are. He's barely older than Joanna, and if a creepy thirty-year-old divorce tried to come on to his little girl, Leonard knows he'd castrate the man in the most painful way possible. So he deals with Jim in the best way he knows how:
"Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a babysitter. We're getting you back to normal." And then he bitches at Scotty whenever he's not looking after patients. It works, because Scotty has it figured out within four days and Jim is back to normal withing five. No one's really sure how the transporter got Jim back down to fifteen, but Scotty assures them that it won't happen again.

Leonard still doesn't trust the damn thing.


They're on earth for Jim's birthday, and Jim asks Leonard to come with him to his mother and father's grave. It doesn't have a body, obviously, but it's a nice sentiment. Leonard would have declined in favor for his Joanna, but Jocelyn has made it clear that Joanna can only see her daddy through a screen or on especially important holidays (like Christmas and Easter), when the ship is near earth. So, he's with Jim.

It's a strange feeling, and a strange atmosphere. There are elderly men and women praying and reciting bible verses over the graves of sons and daughters and husbands and wives who were lost too early. Jim is smiling. It's a strange, acidic, sad smile that Leonard never wants to see on Jim's face ever again. It's too upsetting for his friend's usually happy face to have that kind of an expression. They reach the two graves - next to each other, and it fits. Winona Kirk may have gone off the deep end a bit after George had died, but she had loved her first husband with all her heart right up to her death. Leonard and Jim sit there on the grass for a long time, and it isn't until Leonard hears Jim sniffling that he realizes Jim's crying. And he does what he did with Joanna when she'd cried:
He hugs Jim to his chest, not saying anything again for a long time. Jim finally stops crying and looks at Leonard.

"Bones?" He asks, tentative and careful.
"Yeah?" Leonard isn't gruff as usual, this isn't the time for gruff.
"I need you, and I don't think I'll be fine this time without you."

character: bones, pairing: bones/kirk, pairing: spock/kirk, genre: humour, genre: angst, character: kirk, movie: star trek xi, fandom: star trek

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