nuked apple.

Feb 17, 2005 23:40

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Comments 7

hopefulhero February 18 2005, 02:26:17 UTC
Do you miss the room you once knew so well?

I love you Jeff.


comradejeff February 18 2005, 12:16:21 UTC
no i don't miss it. but the door closing behind me is frustrating.

paul, what is your cell number, i'm like in bike everywhere mode.


ohpleasefelix February 20 2005, 12:47:20 UTC
so i lied, i hadn't commented on this one.
but anyway, sounds like you're in prison. don't worry, it did wonders for nelson mandela.

incubation time


hopefulhero February 23 2005, 04:52:27 UTC
I'm calling you tomorrow!


hopefulhero February 23 2005, 15:44:53 UTC
Damn! I didn't call you. I slept in till 12...
Hmmm, I'm going up to WASU tomorrow for their punk rock prom, so I will be seeing you when I get back, I hope we don't keep this steak up~It's way lame.


no worries. comradejeff February 23 2005, 22:11:57 UTC
I didn't get up til 12 either. Call me soon though! at least so I have your new number.


I can't wait to bike!


ipeestanding February 25 2005, 06:43:13 UTC
Sorry I missed your call man I was sleeping I will call you tomarrow. I need to go shopping wanna come? I wanna go to value village and get a napolian dynomite suit.


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