WisCon Assistance Fund final report

Jun 09, 2009 21:59

I'm closing the books on the WisCon Assistance Fund for the year [*], and here's the final report:

We raised $5,898.14; sent nine fans of color to WisCon on $4,294.26 and four transferred memberships; and are donating $1,603.88 to the Carl Brandon Society. (You can see full details at the spreadsheet, as always.)

On one level, nine people's not a lot; but on another, since WisCon is only 1,000 total and since I saw several comments that there were noticeably more fans of color present, I think it's reasonable to say we made a difference.

I do not yet have anything definite how the fund will be run in the future, but one way or another, we'll do this again next year. Meanwhile, I want to thank popelizbet for all her help with the auction; Deb Stone of the WisCon concomm for taking most of the PayPal credit card payments and donating the transaction fees; the WisCon 33 co-chairs, Debbie Notkin and Jim Hudson, for help with the membership transfers; and all of you who donated, offered up auction items, and spread the word. Thanks.

[*] I have received payment from all of the auction winners but one, and have heard from that one and know that payment is on the way. If either winners or offerors have issues with the auction, please feel free to contact me, either by LJ message or e-mail, and I'll see if I can help work things out.

Crossposted to fight_derailing.

(P.S.: I have belatedly updated the fight_derailing OT post on Judge Sonia Sotomayor with additional links.)

info: announcement

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