Title: Bent Author: Concupid Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Howard/Vince Warnings: mentions of violence, explicit sex, mild dominance and submission Summary: Vince talks about Charlie
Awww, this chapter made me so sad for Vince, he's been carrying around all that sadness and hurt for years and never told Howard... never told anyone... and he doesn't and can't believe it when Howard tells him he turned out amazing. Also, the sex is red-hot and full of very believable emotions - especially Vince's last line, so full of both love and anger that none of us can tell the difference - it is going to be fascinating to see what each of them takes away from this, once the genderswap is reversed.
I'm excited to get to the conclusion of this one and it's annoying it's taking so long. If they'd just stop with all the sex... I suppose it's important to the character development, though. I'll have to tough my way through it!
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