Title: Our Family is Magic
confessorloveRating: PG
Summary: When Kayla protests having a family portrait painted, Kahlan explains how magical pictures can be.
Author's Note: Written for the
legendland rewatch and review challenge for 1x20 Sanctuary.
A world without magic was something Kahlan had dreamed of before they came across the library and the painter James who had created such a world. Even after James died and his world was destroyed Kahlan still thought about what that world could have meant for her and her Seeker. They could have avoided their destiny and lived a normal life. It was something Kahlan had never given any thought to before meeting Richard but once she had it seemed impossible to shake those images from her mind. It was just too easy to imagine them living in a little cottage in Westland while they raised their children, both boys and girls. It was a dream she had so many nights after that magical painting was destroyed but now she didn’t dream of a life like that. She had her life and had found a way to be with Richard. They had daughters and lived their life together. It was wonderful.
“I don’t want to sit still for a portrait, Mommy.”
Kayla’s whining tone drew Kahlan from her thoughts and she looked down at the young girl. Her youngest daughter, who would not be the youngest for much longer, was nearly four years old. Reaching down Kahlan ruffled her daughter’s hair before bringing her hand to rest on the swell of her belly. The new baby would be born very soon and she was anxious for it to happen. “Once the new baby comes you will not have a choice. It’s important for there to be a portrait of the royal family.”
Kayla crossed her little arms over her chest and pouted. “But I don’t wanna sit still.”
“You know,” Kahlan said before sighing. “Let me tell you about one time that your father had to sit still for a portrait.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and looked down in her little girl’s eyes. “It was a magic portrait and it was very important for him to stay still.”
The little girl’s brown eyes went wide as she looked up at her mother. “Magic picture?” The curiosity was obvious in Kayla’s voice which made Kahlan smile. She loved the fact that her children were always interested in things. It made her feel certain that her children would all be wonderful Confessors someday. That always made her proud of them.
Kahlan nodded. “Yes it was a magic picture. Once the painter finished painting it your daddy went inside the painting to help some people. It was like another world.” They could have spent some time in that other world together had Darken Rahl not discovered that magic painting. However Kahlan knew that if they had been able to spend time together in that magic world there was a chance that they never would have found a real way to be together. They might have relied on that painting for the rest of their lives.
“Will our picture be magic?”
She shook her head in response and smiled. “No it won’t be Kayla, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pretend.” If her daughter could expand her imagination it would thrill Kahlan. “The picture will hold our family and that’s enough magic for me.”
Kayla scrunched up her nose and frowned. “Our family isn’t magic.”
“Trust me,” Kahlan said before kissing the top of her daughter’s head. “Someday you’ll see it that way. You’ll understand once you are older.” She didn’t doubt that was the case. Once Kayla realized the magic that brought their family into being she would truly understand how magical their family was. She had no doubt of that.