5.16.09 Free Show @ The Strand

May 17, 2009 01:22

Meg & Dia and The Maine

I don’t know what is…but for some reason the Take action bands are following me. I swear every show I’ve been too lately or plan to go to feature bands [usally anarbor, but this time Meg & Dia ] that really once was enough. [let alone seeing them twice already]. But whatever. I got there late cos I got lost and lazy and distracted by the ocean. Really, I was a little dork all excited to be on the 1.

But seriously, it was a good time.

I met up with Megan and we ran around and its fun. I enjoy hanging out with her and her friends are usually pretty chill too.

We were kind of close?

I was 2nd row when we got ready for Meg & Dia and I almost got into my first fist fight. I mean, ok, I know people are entitled to do whatever they want, but this douche standing to my right took out his Every ave poster Fearless was giving away and writing on the back of it. I didn’t even see what he was writing, just that he was writing it, was pissing me off. Megan was sort of laughing at me for getting upset, then she got upset when we realized he was writing Meg & Dia [people’d been giving away Meg & Dia posters all day] … then it got *better* cos he added ‘have my babies’ on it. Really?

It’s not like he could have gotten it up anyway, not unless one of them was secretly a dude.

I’m fuming. Josh’s twitter had said they were going to hang with the Maine, so there was a good chance the boys from Ea were going to be there.

Then the douche really pushed me over the edge by flipping it over scrawling ‘the Maine’ over Every avenue’s logo, then proceeding to write John over Dave, Jared over Josh, etc etc. I don’t think he even matched them up, but I was pissed. I was so fucking pissed.

BUT all I did was silently fume and finally when I caught sight of him writing on Ea snapped that they did know there was a possibility every ave would be there, right? He had least had the decency to look slightly ashamed, and stood up, hiding that side of it, but jesus.

Who the FUCK does that.

I get that I’m in a serious minority that likes Ea but I’d pick them any day over M&D or The Maine.

Ugh. Annoyed.

So then this guy’s friend calls her girlfriends all ‘heeeey come find me.’ and these girls start pushing their way to the front and um, no? But I get really frustrated really quickly. It’s kind of hot, I don’t give a fuck about Meg & Dia and I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to kick the blonde dude’s ass so I really didn’t put a huge fight for this girl not coming through. Megan did and it got solved, but then there’s always you know 6’ ft douches who think they deserve to be in the front because…I don’t know. It’s not like they can’t see. But he’s shoving everyone and it’s just not worth standing there for an hour for a band you don’t care about getting pushed around.

So we left. Chilled in the back. Entertained ourselves for awhile.

Megan and I ran to get Subway right before the Maine and she hung back and I decided I wanted to get closer.

Not that it helped.

I guess because it was a free show, a lot of people came just for the hell of it? I felt like I was singing karaoke, I could hear John, but mostly hear myself.

They were good, though.

Weird because I guess … I don’t know, tonight was full of strange rules. John couldn’t throw water bottles, couldn’t throw just water, could not somehow transfer water to crowd, he couldn’t swear, so it made for a rather tame performance. Although I’m pretty sure they weren’t expecting him to start asking if people were horny and I’m damn sure they didn’t expect these 40-50 year old ladies to scream and dance on a van.

Cali, for you, I guess.

It was pretty funny.

I’m content. I like seeing them live.

So directly after their performance they were supposed to do a signing at the KISS fm tent. There are a ton of people waiting. We were doing other things, mainly keeping an eye out on a band passing their cds out for the first time, and I met Joyce from Fearless, she reassured us she’s been too busy to check over the applications and so there is still hope for that!!  Cross your fingers. Megan and I need those internships.

So the Maine boys come out on a balcony and immediately the two people I was standing with and I were all ‘oh fuck they’re going to bail’.

Apparently and I don’t know really know why, they didn’t think they had enough reinforcement? But the Police would not let the Maine leave the hotel and do the signing. So we figure ok, if we wait around, they do have to come down at some point - their van’s parked outside, and usually about an hour after when it’s trickled down to like 10-15 dedicated people, they’ll come out.

So we sit and sit. I’m not actually sure how long we were sitting before Matt from ea starts walking towards us. And being the little Ea fan girl I am -- actually it’s kind of funny cos one of the girls earlier pulled out the ea flier to me and was all ‘whose this?” and I told her it was Matt and she was all . Nuhuh. It was cute. Then we talked about Mike briefly before the convo turned, but I think I’m becoming known at the Ea girl. Which is kind of ridiculously lame.

But Matt’s walking up and I’m all O.O But he was with someone and talking and I didn’t want to be *that* girl you know. I hate interrupting their personal conversations, it’s not like anything intelligent ever comes out of my mouth anyway. So then my thought process is…hey if Matt’s here, Josh should be here…  Sure enough, he was down the street some and I’m all should I?

… Yeah totally am.

So I grab the same girl who asked about the poster [Jamie, I want to say her name was. But I could be wrong. It might have been Bree?] and so we go over to Josh and she was a lot more talkative than I was. And OMFG. So Josh cut his hair right. He fucking posted the picture, I don’t know, two weeks ago? Long enough that it shouldn’t be a talked about topic anymore, much less to his face, but these little girls were all “Josh where’s your hair???”



I like it better short, quite honestly.

So she snags his attention and he gives her a hug and he’s eyeing me all, I know you… and I’m like ‘did you end up losing those chargers?” and he got all excited and gave me a high five and a hug and was all NO!!!!! and he whips out his phone and holds it out all proudly. “I just used it on the way here, actually!! Thank you.”

He’s so adorable. Oh my god, I love that boy.

So he hugs me and I start edging my way away because the girls swarming us are making *me* nervous and I want to talk to Matt still. So we say bye and then Matt’s still talking. He never shut up so I didn’t get to talk to him.

But poor Josh. He was trying to make his way to the hotel where the Maine boys were and like, got swarmed like I’ve never ever seen before.

I don’t know if they actually knew who he was, or just knew he was a dude in a band cos other people were taking pictures with him, but seriously. Poor kid. We were debating a rescue mission before the guy that tour manages BC pulled him away.

It was cute.

So we wait some more. And more. And Max - The maine’s TM come back and was all, we tried, we told them, there’s only like 50 kids right now, let us go, but they wouldn’t let them do it. So he made the mistake of telling us they were going to get in their friend’s car and leave.

Seriously - the most stalkerish thing I’ve ever done - but we went down to the parking garage - BUT to be fair, my car was totally parked on that level and I brought it over to where we were and it was totally legit. But we did run into the Maine boys there and got a very quick m&g session. More like waves and quick hugs and thank you’s, but it was just funny we accidentally stumbled upon them.

So yeah.

I’m a big enough dork I was more concerned with finding the Ea boys then meeting the Maine. -_-. Whoops.

I was totally going to tell Matt to take andy under his wing during the next tour and get him to listen to better music. I was going to tell Josh originally, but then I remembered what kind of music Josh likes, so… yeah. Matt. :D

Now I’m trying to figure out if the salad I had for lunch is still safe to eat. I’m kind of hungry.

I did see one girl in my Ea hoodie today, so there is hope still.


the maine, every avenue, show review, meg & dia

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