Every avenue 3.30.09
Hob Chicago
Hmm. I vaguely feel lame for writing this, but I’m so glad I went. I took my mom because she agreed and because I felt guilty for wanting to see a show while visiting for spring break. She didn’t want to get there insanely early so we left on the 12:20 train, got into Chicago around 2 and by the venue by 2:30ish? There was still snow on the ground it was that fucking cold. My legs were tingly-numb by the time we reached the hob. Not fun - remind me of this when I complain of dying of heat.
I swear I used to enjoy the cold.
I also swear I used to think 40s warm after the winter.
I’m getting off point, so we pick up our tickets, go outside for a smoke and go back in to get food for pass the line. There’s two girls in front of us and the blonde one is just motherfucking loud. Just your typical obnoxious I know every boy in every band and they’re all madly in love with me, sort of girl. She was talking about the Cab though and my first thought was the July concert and then she mentioned the maine and Wtk and I had to silently fume for a moment that the Secret Valentine tour went through Chicago. : (
Anyway she already starts to irk me because I hate when girls try and brag about the merch guy and don’t even know their fucking name. It’s not hard to go, “hey, what’s your name?”. Especially, especially with Sonny. But she was all omfg!Thecabmerchguy! -_-.
So I thought that’d be the end of her and we got our food and my Mom’s taking pictures and I’m trying to keep her from getting her phone confiscated. We get our food go back in line and it’s chill. We were somewhere between 10th-15th in line.
We left to smoke after we ate and came back to five people in front of us that hadn’t been, one in the hideous purple Ea hoodie, one in honest to god - pink tights under fishnet tights, under jean shorts, under a black miniskirt with a patterned hoodie, and a “normal” one…then the two girls from before.
The girl is talking and talking and talking and I’d have no problem honestly with her, I mean I’d get a little irked with her, but when she starts bringing up Every ave… gloves come off, man.
She apparently “befriended” this guy named Bobby who is a techie I guess. He’s not in any of the bands I know, then she talked to this other guy on stickam once and “befriended” him, and omfg his gf is here and he totally wanted to hook up with her two months ago, how awkward.
Somehow this led to her meeting another tech named Peter and she comes back and is all OMFG … he gave me Ea’s merch money, what should I do?
Uuuuhhuh. Ok.
Ea’s merch guy is named Troy. There is no way in hell he would give a tech money to give to a girl to give to Ea. Sorry, people in the business are not that fucking stupid.
I turned to my Mom after the 12th ‘what should I do?’ and said, Find Dave and tell him to fire the fucking tech. -eye roll-
Then the Ea streetteamers come in. >.>
Which ok, it shouldn’t be as aggravating as it was, but I busted my ass working for that show and still got fucked over.
When we waked in, I saw signs for Take action tour, I saw an anarbor poster, but nothing for Ea. I just figured no one was working the show, imagine my surprise when these three girls come up to us and hold up the posters and go, “Who wants a free poster?”
… No date, no venue, no time, nothing was written on these posters. Not to mention these posters were supposed to be hung up 4 in the venue, 5 three weeks in advance and three in other heavily populated areas. I didn’t take one. They were passing out pink fliers that still say /everyevenue. I didn’t take one of those either, I refused to let them use my picture in their shitty promoting. I looked at another girl’s when they left. >.>
So the blonde girl got a poster right? She’s looking at it all, “well I have a boyfriend, but I’d sleep next to that one, maybe that one too.”
She told Peter the tech that they could use her friend’s apartment and party there after the show. They’d pay for it. I looked at my mom and was all, there’s 5 in an arbor, 5 in ea, 6-8 in BC and 5 in Cute. Not to mention tech, managers, and merch. She was convinced every avenue would all show up and she was divving them up between the five girls.
I didn’t say a word - not that that picture was almost 2 years old at this point, that mike isn’t even there anymore, nothing. Who the fuck does that? Oh I want that one, he’s hot.
Do they really assume all boys in bands either a) don’t have morals or b) don’t have friends and/or family? Ea’s from Michigan, they usually bring family/friends to Chicago shows. They have lives that do not revolve around this girl’s deluded sense of reality.
I was getting so frustrated.
We left again for a final cigarette and walked back in time for the lady to be searching our shit and metal detecting us. My peace purse can be retried, it failed me for the first time. The lady was determined to look at every crevice of my purse. I wasn’t even expecting it. I gave my mom my camera and my wallet to go check my camera and she comes back a few minutes later all… “I didn’t know where to go.”
So we put it in her jacket.
Loool. Camera got in anyway. I didn’t want pictures of the show. I just hate not having pictures of meeting them. It’s funny to go back and look at how much has changed over the year.
Anyway, so we get let in and I tell my mom go right. I want to be stage left. I get to the barrier, two over from where I was on the last sell outs date and … OH Back up!!!
When we were standing in line, this girl apparently waved when she came in, I didn’t see her, my mom did. A few minutes later she’s all “excuse me, but weren’t you at the cab show here?”
I’m like, uh? “Which one?”
“The one in like July?”
Mmmhm. Apparently they were next to me and alana. I would have never recognized her. That’s twice in a row now, someone’s gone, “Hey weren’t you at that cab show?”… I’m vaguely amused I made such an impact.
Her friend is all ‘I wonder what cute plays.’ and I told her that the one left sings a song he’s been writing and then they do an acoustic song and they’re all, “Oh did you see it before?” I’m like uh, yeah, Anaheim two weeks ago.
“Oh is that far?”
“Um…it’s in Ca?”
Felt like the biggest loser…EVER. They both just looked at me and I explained how I moved and came back for spring break and it just so happened Ea was playing. They’re all, did you move while in high school?
O.o…um? Excuse me, what? “I’m 20.”
“O.O Oh shit, really?”
Fuck you.
But anyway, they’re on my right and my mom stayed for …approx. 2 minutes before retreating back to the bar. I’m glad she did, it got intense during ea and I wasn’t expecting that, but anyway, it took forever for 5:30 to roll around.
I don’t honestly… let’s think about this, I think the last show I went to that I actually went for the headliner, was…. Honda Civic tour? Loool that was almost a year ago. My, I am a lame motherfucker. I lost the train of thought I had going for this in the search. Oh!
Ok, so the bands I love rarely are headliner-status, so when faced with the question “Who are you here for?” it’s never the answer they expect, so I always get this awkward pause then, “Oh. I like them, I’ve heard some of their stuff.”
TWICE! That happened. Three times, sort of, the other girl just went on a cute rave then, so whatever.
It just made me laugh and alternatively feel really lame at the same time. The girls next to me where making me question if I really do want every ave to ever really grow out of their second-opener billing.
The girls to the left of me where there for BC. The girls to the right, anarbor and cute. 8 year olds behind us all had cute shirts on. I was outnumbered, again.
So hooours later after two announcements and then one in Spanish [that’s never happened before!] they finally come on. I don’t know what the fuck the deal was, but the sound was awful tonight. They were having mic problems like crazy. I couldn’t understand much of what Slade said. Not that I care, really, but fuck them playing is always the longest 30 minutes of my life. It did feel shorter than the last time I saw them, but not by much. Them setting up for Every ave took for fucking ever too, but finalllllly they took the stage.
I’m pretty sure they opened with Chasing the Night. I thought for a moment they’d opened with something else, but my Mom’s pretty sure that it was that, so I guess that was the same. Just, fuck dude. They’re so fucking good here. You can feel when a band is on, and when they’re just up there, singing. People were jumping, clapping, screaming, it was so fucking awesome. They sang Freak Out!, Days of Old, Think of You Later, Trading Heartbeats, Where were you? And I’m pretty sure they closed with a story to tell your friends.
Don’t hold me to that though, I was all lkjf;lkf;ljf.
Every time I’ve seen them here, Dave goes into the crowd for the last song. It didn’t happen in Anaheim, but I wasn’t surprised to see it here. My Mom apparently was though and that’s what won her over for Ea. The security guard was sooo pissed at him. He tried to yank him back but Dave wouldn’t let go. The guy tried to lift him onto the stage, but dave dropped back down and threw himself into the crowd. He finished the song on the barrier, swatting at the security guard.
I didn’t get spit on this time either!!! I think we’re at 50/50 now. Of the times I’ve seen them and the times I’ve not been spit on. : )
I wanted to ask Josh if he’d gotten a new phone yet. And I wanted to know if they had an idea of when they’d be playing during Bamleft.
So I stumble out of the pit and the girls are all scandalized, “You’re leaving?!”.. uh? Have I not said the past some odd hours I’m only here for Ea? I meant I was literally only coming for Ea.
I got back to where my mom was and I grab her arm to led her to the merch tables and nearly walk right into Mike. I got all jlskfj;skjf;ljf; *shock* and hissed to her that that was their old drummer and that he’d quit right before this tour. She just kind of laughed and we went and got in line at the merch booth. …I really do hate Every ave’s t-shirt designer. I never like any of their merch, but they finaaaaaaaaally came out with a black hoodie.
I wasn’t even going to buy anything.
I was going to save the money to spend on the Cab, but… it was really fucking cold and I knew it’d be colder leaving and c’mon, I really love this hoodie. Lol.
So I bought it.
I tip him and try to remember what his fucking name is. I know it’s not Peter, and it’s also confusing the shit out of me that Mike’s here, so I ask him, against my better judgement, if they’re still on good times with Mike, cos I passed him and got really confused and he just looks at me different and tells me that yeah they still talk, he just had some shit going on at home he had to take care of, but yeah they’re all still close. So I asked if he was going to come back because I can’t remember exactly what he said but it was hinting towards that and I was all O.O? and he shot it down before laughing and telling me I must have been a fan for a long time if I recognized Mike. No one’s really been asking about it.
I didn’t really think almost a year and a half is that long, but I guess, yeah, in this day and age, that constitutes awhile.
It was kind of embarrassing though because I couldn’t figure out if it was a compliment or a dig and I already felt lame so I just slipped away to go talk to dave. He was the only one that came out. And it never fucking fails when I meet him, he’ll sign my ticket, and I’ll get in my questions and he’ll start to answer before he spots someone behind me and strikes up a conversation over my head. NEVER fails. This time though, I was just going to leave him to it and he reached out, squeezing my shoulder and apologizing and I’m only human. I can’t… fkj;kdlf;f. So I ask him if he knows what time they’re playing on Sat and he’s all, um, 7:15 ish? And I’m like O.O that’s way later than I expected and he pulls back and looks at me all wait…”Sat?!” I stumble through my way of explaining I was only here for spring break, that I’m going back in time for Bamleft and he told me they’d probably play around 5:45 which is still later than I expected and that they’d play an acoustic set too and I felt so bad. He was all ‘please come’ and I got all excited. They’re good acoustic.
So I leave him because really, I’ve taken up far more than my allotted time with him and we’re walking past merch again and I ask the guy if he knows if Josh or anyone else is coming out, because I was remembering questions I wanted to ask and he just kind of winced and shrugged, not sure if they were or weren’t, but they usually do after the show and I finally cracked and asked what his name was because I couldn’t remember.
I fucking knew it was Troy.
I’m such a dumbfuck sometimes, but that is … what will probably be my last Ea Chicago show.
Which is really fucking sad.
I got to bust my ass to get them to that level in SoCal. That’s all I gotta say about that. : )